In this groundbreaking episode of the School of Divine Mysteries, the Mahdi Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) turns his radiant attention eastward, addressing the noble and spiritual legacy of Bharat, or India. Joined by his faithful disciple Attika, Aba Al-Sadiq embarks on a profound journey to build a bridge between the Abrahamic faiths and the ancient religions of the East. Through divine insight and wisdom, Aba Al-Sadiq sheds light on India's sacred history, unveiling how its rich spiritual heritage must have been graced by the greatest of prophets. Witness as he presents a compelling case for the Holy Prophet Krishna as a messenger sent by the same God who sent Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and all the prophets of the Semitic tradition. This episode is a call to unity among faiths and a celebration of the universal truth that transcends borders and traditions. Join us as we explore the divine harmony between East and West, and uncover the shared spiritual destiny of all mankind.