Foundry Spiritual Center: A collective for spiritual growth and wellness.
What is spirituality?
- A belief that there is something greater than ourselves and that we are one part of the greater whole
John 4:15 (NIV), John 4:21-23 (NIV)
Discussion One:
- What do you hear that interests you?
- What questions or curiosities do you have?
- What fears or worries do you have?
- Online Book Study Discussion Group
- The Contemplative Life Podcast
- One-on-One Spiritual Direction
- Retreats
- Online Drop-In Contemplative Prayer
- Online Spiritual Formation Series
Also see:
- Calendar page: https://foundrysc.com/connect/calendar
Discussion Two
- Is there anything you’d like to hear more about?
- What other questions do you have?
- Anything you feel particularly excited about or interested in?