
  • Animal Soul Agreements with Tammy Billups

    Tammy is an animal and human healer who walks her talk. Twenty-two years ago, she embarked on a deep inner healing journey after experiencing four losses within a few months’ time. Through this difficult period, she suddenly had access to the psychic abilities of seeing, feeling, and sensing energy.

    Tammy is now a celebrated international holistic practitioner for humans and animals. She’s a certified Interface Therapist (Bioenergetics), and the author of three award winning books on the animal-human sacred soul partnership. In addition, she’s a pioneer and global educator on the many levels of animal-human relationships and has created experiential masterclass courses for animal lovers to dive deeper into the topics in her books.

    She is also the inventor of the groundbreaking, paradigm-shifting modality, Tandem Healings, which accelerates the healing of humans and the animals with whom they share a soul bond.

    Tammy's is passionate about raising awareness of the higher purpose at the heart of every animal and human experience, ailment, and issue, and exploring its capacity to expedite healing for all beings to unearth a new time of heaven on earth.


    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • How Good Can It Get with Cynthia Sue Larson

    Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of several books including Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won.

    Cynthia is founder of RealityShifters, first president of the International Mandela Effect Conference, managing director of Foundations of Mind, and creator and host of Living the Quantum Dream podcast. She has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, "How good can it get?"

    Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at: www.realityshifters.com

    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • Human Soul Agreements with Jini and Ginny

    Please join Jini and I as we discuss the complex nature of Soul Agreements


    To view a free Soul Agreement workshop hosted by IANDS Chicago, check out Ginny's website at: https://heartofthehorse.us/free-content

    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • Navigating the Evolution of Perspective with Donna Condrey-Miller

    As a mature adult getting her first horse Donna Condrey-Miller had ideas of equestrian adventure and conquering the heroic challenges of controlling a large animal who would willingly obey her every command. Several years on and a few horses now in her barn, she began to see that the horses had their own ideas about their purpose in life. Feeling let down by the many conventional training methods offered and tried, she decided to investigate the concept of liberty when working with horses.

    During a months-long foray into various methods that gave more consideration to the horse, Donna's search led her to Nevzorov Haute Ecole. Here her thoughts and feelings were reconciled and a true relationship with her horses began. The deeper her studies went, the more exquisite the NHE school of thought
    proved to be. She was home.

    A love of writing and previous experience leading and managing people within organizations allowed her to articulate her insights and understanding to support fellow students and newcomers to NHE within the forum setting and then to the public as an official NHE representative. As a professional bare hoof care provider she has hands on experience in this important aspect of equine health, a major component of the NHE management philosophy.

    Along with her responsibilities as an NHE Representative, Donna is the primary English language editor at NHE Publishing.

    Donna lives at her sanctuary in the Northern Sacramento Valley of California with her husband, two horses and a quite a few cats, along with a plethora of wild animals and edible weeds.


    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • Sharing Messages With Others with Ronnie King

    Join Ronnie and I as we discuss our experiences of sharing messages from animals and loved ones with others.

    Ronnie King is an animal communicator, equine massage therapist and the host of Equine Voices, a lovely new podcast focusing on the equine industry.



    Here's a link to two of my blogs on www.heartofthehorse.us talking about a similar situation with a client and a neighbor's horse:

    Our Words Matter (client testimonial):

    How Our Intentions Effect Our Animals (blog):

    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • Nurturing Your Leadership Skills with Hillary Schneider

    Hillary resides on a beautiful 80 acre property in a valley north of Kamloops, British Columbia with her herd of more than 20 wise equine teachers, most of which have been rescued and given a new purpose. The ranch is a retreat for those who are seeking to have a transformative experience to witness their own magic, get clarity of their purpose and know more deeply their gifts and what it looks like to create space of abundance around them. In the space of her valley and herd, she creates experiences that are catered to the uniqueness of her clients and those that are drawn and called to the medicine of horses.

    Hillary coaches and mentors from her own experience of living deeply in tune with purpose and the journey that it actually takes for all of us to create and step into the reality of our sacred work in the world. It is a path that continues to grow and evolve into each and everyday.

    For more information about Hillary and the services she offers:


    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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  • A Shamanic Perspective of Modern Psychiatry with Dr. Robert Alcorn

    Robert W. Alcorn, MD is a retired psychiatrist. He graduated from Yale College in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received his MD degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1970. He specialized in psychiatry and practiced in the Cleveland, Ohio area for about 50 years. He was Board Certified in Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry (law and psychiatry).

    Beginning in about 1999 he began to recognize that something important was missing in the medical understanding of human beings and their illnesses. This involved subtle energies, and how these energies influence wellness and illness. He started studying energy healing techniques in 1999 and continued for several years. His discoveries in this discipline led him to begin learning shamanic techniques, that is, techniques commonly used among tribal peoples for divination and healing. He initially learned from teachers associated with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Later he learned Soul Retrieval techniques from Sandra Ingerman, and Compassionate Depossession and other advanced shamanic techniques from Betsy Bergstrom.

    He met Dr. Barbara Stone in 2012 and began learning her system for multidimensional healing of mental health issues, becoming a certified Soul Detective® and subsequently and certified trainer in that discipline. Soul Detective is a system which seeks to find the spiritual causes of mental and emotional disturbances in people. It can be thought of as incorporating shamanic techniques as well as being guided by muscle testing and/or dowsing to achieve clarity.

    As a result of these studies, Dr. Alcorn has come to the conclusion that the diagnostic and therapeutic methods of mainstream psychiatry are seriously deficient in addressing the real needs of patients.

    He is the author of Healing Stories: My Journey from Mainstream Psychiatry Toward Spiritual Healing. The book is available on Dr. Alcorn's website: dralcorn.us

    Other books mentioned in this podcast:

    Thirty Years Among the Dead by Dr. Carl Wickland (available on Amazon)

    Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness by Shakuntala Modi (Available on Amazon)

    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at www.heartofthehorse.us

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