Indigenous Faith

著者: Craig & LaDonna Smith
  • サマリー

  • Helping Indigenous followers of Jesus Christ live biblically healthy lives in the context of their cultures and communities.

    © 2025 Indigenous Faith
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Helping Indigenous followers of Jesus Christ live biblically healthy lives in the context of their cultures and communities.

© 2025 Indigenous Faith
  • 25.10 A Stirring VIP Visit with Kahse Atkinson Merseth (Part 3)

    In today's third and final episode in Craig and LaDonna's visit with Kahse Merseth, she continues to share her experiences, as a young Native American serving the Lord in the country of South Korea. During this time, her father's health deteriorated to the point where his life would soon be ending, which led Kahse to return home so she could spend time with her dad before his passing and then after, to be there to help her mother transition to life without her husband. She shares her journey back to the academic world, as she earned her Masters degree in Counseling and Psychology. It was about fifteen years after her fiancé's passing that the Lord brought a man into her life whom she fell in love with and they married and began life together. Looking back over the three episodes, we see that Kahse loved the Lord enough to trust Him during her darkest days, and with faith and patience in the Lord's leading, see the fulfillment of her dreams by meeting and marrying Dustin Merseth. All along the way, she stayed true to the Lord, and demonstrated the life of a Victorious Indigenous Person! The reason the Smiths include these interesting interviews is to show that you, too, friend, can live a victorious life in Christ despite the circumstances of your life. We trust you've been encouraged by the story of this amazing woman of God and challenged to walk in biblical obedience to Christ in your life. That's what this Indigenous Faith broadcast is all about. Until next week, we pray the Lord will be honored in your life, dear friend. See you then!

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  • 25.09 A Stirring VIP Visit with Kahse Atkinson Merseth (Part 2)

    In part two of this three part VIP interview with Kahse Atkinson Merseth, Kahse opens the door to the deepest part of her soul as she shares the story of her fiancé, James, who was brutally murdered in a home invasion in one of America's inner-city communities just months before they were to be married. As painful that part of her story is, it isn't the end of the story, but a new beginning of deepened faith and trust in the Lord. You'll hear how God used this painful part of her life's story to help others who grieve and are lost and without hope in this world. Kahse shares about her joining and traveling with a team the Smith's help lead on extended Summer of Hope tours into Indigenous communities throughout North America. Night after night, she would take center court, with a microphone in her hand, and share with hundreds of Indigenous youth, parents, and grandparents about the hope she found in her faith in Christ to help her get through the pain and sorrow. From her testimony, God drew many Indigenous people to faith in Christ and the Hope that Kahse had found in the Lord. Beyond that, you'll see how God used this faith filled widow to extend her impact for the gospel internationally, as an Indigenous missionary to South Korea! Imagine, moving from being considered part of a mission field, to now a part of a mission force, this young woman of God has seen her life impact so many people for Christ. Truly inspiring, and helpful to us all to know how to find a strong and lasting Indigenous Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! How about you, dear friend? Do you know and trust the Lord enough with your life to surrender to His salvation and live an empowered and productive life for Christ, be it in your home community, or even to the uttermost parts of the earth? Well, here's one of your Native sisters who has seen just that in her life. And if God can do it in and through Kahse Atkinson Merseth, Craig and LaDonna knows He can do it in and through you as well! Be blessed by this second installment of the VIP Interview with Kahse Atkinson Merseth on the Indigenous Faith broadcast.

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  • 25.08 A Stirring VIP Visit with Kahse Atkinson Merseth (Part 1)

    In today's episode, Craig and LaDonna Smith introduce you to another Victorious Indigenous Person (VIP), who can testify of the goodness of God in the life of a prodigal daughter who has become a powerhouse for God in her generation. Kahse Atkinson Merseth shares her incredibly challenging life before surrendering to Christ. Though raised in a Native home with parents who were involved in full-time ministry, Kahse went her own way into deep rebellion and sin before coming home to the Lord and her mom and dad, who received her back with open arms. Today you'll learn of her early years, which mirrors that of may Indigenous youth who, though being raised in a Christian home, choose not to follow the God of their parents and instead, turn to drugs, alcohol, and sexual promiscuity. You'll also hear about the power of a single young friend whose strong walk in the Lord convicted her of her sin, and brought Kahse back to the foot of the Cross in repentance and forgiveness! The story gets even more intriguing in the episodes to follow, including some of the darkest days of her life as she had to process the loss of her fiance', who was brutally murdered only months before their planned wedding. But first, let's get to know this young warrior for Christ, and how her journey back to the Lord led her to a faith that has been sustained through great trouble and trials. Kahse Atkinson Merseth epitomizes what a Victorious Indigenous Person looks like, and how she now lives her life totally sold out to the purposes of Christ. What an impact her story has had on many Native youth in the communities God has given her the opportunity to share her story in. Craig and LaDonna know you'll be encouraged and blessed by her story. Be prepared to be blessed and encouraged with today's edition of Indigenous Faith!

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