Christopher Huie, known to his teammates as “Chuie”, is an Aerospace Engineer and Senior Manager on Virgin Galactic’s Flight Sciences Engineering team. "In the six years" he has been with the company leading the External Loads Engineering discipline, Chuie’s thoughtful approach to both his work and to those he works with has set him apart as a leader at Galactic.
The University of Maryland Clark School of Engineering graduate is intimately familiar with VSS Unity and VMS Eve having worked on nearly every component of the spaceship’s and mothership’s designs, helping to ensure both structural integrity and mission success. He is the co-founder of and spokesperson for Virgin Galactic’s Black Leadership in Aerospace Scholarship and Training (BLAST) Program, mentoring college students with the aim of increasing the number of Black leaders in the aerospace industry. Chuie, who hails from Florida, is the son of Jamaican immigrants and became only the 19th Black astronaut in the world.
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