you show me a person's habits and I'll show you where they will be in 5 years. We have one such guest on this episode, I always love the chance to dive into the mind and habits of a high performer, there is always something to be learned. This is no different with Nikki Pepper, as she transformed the health and wellness of over 20,000 women worldwide in their holistic wellness from fitness and habits. I knew this conversation was going to be epic, I was also amazed at how business savy Nikki became over the 2 decades of making positive impacts.
You will discover in this episode:
The number one character attribute required to succeed in your holistic wellness
Is a morning routine a must have for your overall holistic wellness
The difference between flexibility and mobility
The how and importance to have strength and energy for life into the longevity of elder years
The benefit of sound bath and how it will revitalize your mind and body
How Nikki transformed her life experience into her L.Y.F.E with Nikki wellness App
The number 1 hidden talent Nikki sees in her clients and people that they don’t see in themselves
To find Nikki's L.Y.F.E app, search for L.Y.F.E on apple or android store. Direct Link Below:
head over to https://apps.apple.com/lb/app/l-y-f-e/id6451256743
To connect with Nikki on IG: @ Salt.n.peppah
To connect with Kev on IG: @Mighty.kev