Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Love and Choices Beneath Ljubljana's Winter Glow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Miha je korakal po zasneženem Prešernovem trgu.En: Miha was walking through the snowy Prešernov trg.Sl: Bilo je mrzlo februarsko popoldne, le nekaj dni pred valentinovim.En: It was a cold February afternoon, just a few days before Valentine's Day.Sl: V zraku je dišalo po kuhanem vinu in sveže pečenem pecivu, ki so ga prodajali na zimskem sejmu.En: The air smelled of mulled wine and freshly baked goods sold at the winter fair.Sl: Lučke so svetile in obarvale trg v čarobne barve.En: Lights were shining and coloring the square in magical hues.Sl: Miha je imel veliko na umu.En: Miha had a lot on his mind.Sl: Ravno je prejel ponudbo za službo v tujini.En: He had just received a job offer abroad.Sl: To je bila priložnost, o kateri je sanjal.En: It was an opportunity he had dreamed of.Sl: A hkrati se je bal, kako bo to vplivalo na njegove odnose, še posebej z Nino.En: But at the same time, he was afraid of how it would affect his relationships, especially with Nina.Sl: Miha je z Nino zmenjen ob štirih.En: Miha was meeting Nina at four o'clock.Sl: Prihaja.En: She was approaching.Sl: Njeni rjavi lasje rahlo padajo čez ramena, s topel nasmeh na obrazu.En: Her brown hair fell gently over her shoulders, with a warm smile on her face.Sl: Miha čuti mešanico veselja in nervoze.En: Miha felt a mix of joy and nervousness.Sl: "Pozdravljen, Miha," ga pozdravi.En: "Hello, Miha," she greeted him.Sl: "Ljubljana je tako čudovita pozimi, se ti ne zdi?"En: "Isn't Ljubljana so beautiful in winter?"Sl: "Zdravo, Nina," se nasmehne.En: "Hello, Nina," he smiled.Sl: "Pridem sem vedno, ko rabim malo razmisliti."En: "I come here whenever I need to think a bit."Sl: Pokazal je na kip Franceta Prešerna in si oddrgnil sneg z ramen.En: He pointed to the statue of France Prešeren and brushed the snow off his shoulders.Sl: "Se dogaja kaj posebnega?" vpraša z rahlo rdečico na licih.En: "Is something special happening?" she asked, with a slight blush on her cheeks.Sl: Ima skrivnost, ki jo želi deliti, a ne ve, kako začeti.En: She had a secret she wanted to share but didn’t know how to start.Sl: Zbere pogum.En: She gathered courage.Sl: "Miha, morala bi ti nekaj povedati..." odloži glas.En: "Miha, I need to tell you something..." she paused.Sl: Prav takrat Miha povzame pogum, da bi razkril svoje velike novice.En: Just then, Miha gathered the courage to reveal his big news.Sl: Prekriža svojo pot z njenim trenutkom in omeni:En: He crossed paths with her moment and mentioned,Sl: "Nina, dobil sem službo. V tujini. Selim se..."En: "Nina, I got a job. Abroad. I'm moving..."Sl: Oba obstaneta, presenečena nad nenadnim razkritjem.En: Both stopped, surprised by the sudden revelations.Sl: Njuni skrivnosti sta se razkrili hkrati.En: Their secrets had been unveiled simultaneously.Sl: Miha opazi spremembo na Nininem obrazu in srce mu trepeta.En: Miha noticed the change on Nina's face and his heart fluttered.Sl: "Kaj pa ti si želela povedati?" vpraša previdno.En: "What did you want to say?" he asked cautiously.Sl: Nina globoko vdihne.En: Nina took a deep breath.Sl: Na valu čustev priznava:En: Riding a wave of emotions, she confessed,Sl: "Že dolgo te občudujem, Miha. Imam te rada."En: "I've admired you for a long time, Miha. I love you."Sl: Tišina.En: Silence.Sl: Ljudje okoli se smejejo, klepetajo, potiskajo mimo s šali, ovitimi okoli vratu.En: People around them laughed, chatted, and pushed past with scarves wrapped around their necks.Sl: Miha tiho stoji in obdeluje Ninine besede.En: Miha stood quietly, processing Nina's words.Sl: Potem, počasi, odgovori:En: Then, slowly, he replied,Sl: "Tudi jaz te imam rad, Nina.En: "I love you too, Nina.Sl: Nisem vedel, kako globoko, do zdaj."En: I didn't realize how deeply, until now."Sl: Oba se nasmehneta, nežno zadržita drug drugega za roke.En: They both smiled and gently held each other's hands.Sl: Snežinke nežno plavajo z neba, ustvarjajoč svetlo belino pod stopali.En: Snowflakes floated softly from the sky, creating a bright whiteness underfoot.Sl: Po začetnem šoku si vzameta trenutek, da premislita.En: After the initial shock, they took a moment to think.Sl: Odločita se za iskren pogovor o prihodnosti in občutkih.En: They decided to have an honest conversation about the future and their feelings.Sl: Miha razmišlja, da bi kljub ponudbi morda ostal, če odnos z Nino pomeni več, kot si je predstavljal.En: Miha considered staying despite the job offer if the relationship with Nina meant more than he had imagined.Sl: Nina dobi samozavest, da izrazi svoje želje ter začne verjeti v svojo moč in pogum.En: Nina gained the confidence to express her desires and began to believe in her strength and courage.Sl: Na koncu, oba sta se odločila za skok v neznano.En: In the end...