
  • Valentines Week Edition: How to Get Someone to Fall in Love with You

    Let’s be honest—Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday designed to sell flowers and overpriced dinners. But even if we know that, it still stirs up emotions, especially for those who are single. For this special Valentine’s Week episode, hosts Daniel and Jinah sit down with two top relationship coaches to explore the question: How do you get someone to fall in love with you?

    If you’ve met someone you really like, what are the best ways to build attraction and connection? What common mistakes should you avoid? And perhaps most importantly—it is even worth all of the effort?

    Joining the conversation are dating experts Lisa Copeland(@lisacopelanddatingcoach; https://findaqualityman.com/) and Mike Goldstein(@ezdatingcoach; https://ezdatingcoach.com), who share their insights on attraction, love, and authentic relationship-building.

    �� Topics Covered:
    ✔️ The psychology of attraction and emotional connection
    ✔️ Do’s and don’ts when trying to spark romance
    ✔️ Why forcing love might backfire—and what to do instead

    Whether you’re single, dating, or just curious about love and relationships, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you navigate the modern dating world.

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    52 分
  • Should Men Just Give Up on the Apps?

    We know dating apps are a shit show for most people, but it's especially true for men who are on them, and statistics validate this. But when does it get SO BAD that you just need to take a break from them?? In this episode, we talk to two young, smart, good looking men about why they decided to take a break from dating apps. Guests Bryan (@commonsense150) and Austin (@theaustinkellyshow) echo what so many other men say about modern dating: it's tough out there! But what's the alternative?

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    45 分
  • I didn't ask for a penpal. Why do people ghost?

    We've all had it happen to us: you strike up a great conversation with someone on a dating app, and it looks like it SHOULD be heading to a real-life date. Except it doesn't.

    Why, oh why do people - who are presumably on the dating app to DATE - want to text endlessly instead? Or worse - ghost you when you suggest actually meeting IRL?

    Jinah and Daniel are joined by two guests: Kari Mendoza - @808golfergirl and Alex Min - @alexsmin as they try to get to the bottom of this WTF conundrum.

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    54 分
  • The 90% Problem: Percentage of Men Who Get NO LOVE on the Dating Apps

    Statistics upon statistics show that it's pretty rough for the great majority of men on dating apps. Just 10% (or less) of men get ALL the women liking them, leaving some 90% of men with little to no swipes, matches, conversations, dates - and thus - romantic relationships. Men are lonelier than ever. Why is this happening?? What's the solution? And what's it REALLY like out there if you're a dude on the apps? Jinah and Daniel drill down to the problem with two male app daters. With @newsdork and @alexjcalder

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    1 時間 13 分
  • How to Stay Memorable to Your Date
    Do you long for the good ole days before we had dating apps, when finding your match was an IRL event? In this episode, Daniel and Jinah chat with matchmaker and author Cassindy Chao (@matchmakercassindy). Her book, Ancient Wisdom, Modern Love, uses traditional Chinese proverbs as a source of modern dating advice. You’ll want to check out Cassindy’s advice for standing out on the apps, including her advice for how to make an impression that lasts, long after the date is over.
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    54 分
  • Younger Men Dating Older Women on Dating Apps

    Are more and more older women dating younger men? While we’re used to seeing famous women as “cougars,” these May-December romances may be going mainstream. At first, Jinah thought her matches with younger men were exceptions, but then they kept on coming. So I Hate Dating Apps enlisted relationship coach Deb Dutcher to explain why this is happening, and what it means for the modern dating scene. Cougars, unite!

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    47 分
  • Are Two People Even Supposed to be Together Forever?

    YESSSS! Jinah and Daniel are officially in year TWO of their podcast! And in this debut episode of season 2, you get to know us a little bit better. The dynamic duo muses about topics like whether dating for marriage even makes sense anymore, how growing up Jehovah's Witness shaped Jinah into who she became (and maybe explains why her dating life is a hot mess), and how Daniel used to make money off of cannibis and young, hot Korean boy bands (it's not what you think, people). THANK YOU for supporting our baby podcast and for having fun with us as we navigate this crazy world of dating apps!

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    38 分
  • Is Dating Easier with a Wingman?

    So you're sick and tired of the dating apps and you want to go back to trying your luck with IRL - In Real Life. You're hitting bar after club after bar - and soon realize you just don't have the guts every weekend to hit up the cute guy or girl on your own. This is where the wingman (or wing woman) comes in! They have NO problem going up to someone as long as they're "asking for a friend." In this episode, Daniel and Jinah talk to Hunter Werner (@hunterwoty), who created a whole movement around dating with a wingman in tow. The founder of WingmanOfTheYear.com, Hunter started a dating show and a digital media brand based on the Wingman culture. He dishes about setting his friends up, the problem with guys (and girls) and - of course - why dating apps are sooooo bad.

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    47 分