Most people think of a dynamic ball handler "creating shots off the dribble" as the only way to create shots.
We work on shot creation in 3 categories
- before the catch,
- after the catch, and
- off the dribble
And our main focus is on screening this week, but again counter to where most people's focus is on ball screening, we focus on screens away from the ball with 4 action/ reaction pairs for cutter and screener based on our Rule of Opposites:
- Straight cut/ screener roll
- Curl cut, screener spiral
- Back cut, screener pop
- Flare cut, screener dive
We help 7th-grade basketball players perform at a high school level BEFORE their freshman tryouts! (94.6% of our players make their HS team - if they start working with us before sophomore year)
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- Have a quick question? Text us at 603-932-5893