I am happy to introduce Cathy as this weeks guest! She is a wealth and success coach as well as founder of her company Inspired Tenacity. She was previously an active member of Valley Women. Her passion is dedicated to helping women tap into their own brilliance to create lives filled with genuine joy and fulfillment. Cathy’s mission is to create a cycle of wealth and success among women around the world. After working as a financial planner for over a decade, she left her corporate job and started Inspired Tenacity to focus on helping women create wealth and success on their own terms. Cathy is also an international speaker and a 5-time best selling author with stories that inspire the readers to take a leap of faith into reaching for their big goals. Here's how to connect with Cathy online: https://inspiredtenacity.com/ (https://inspiredtenacity.com) https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathyderkseninspiredtenacity (https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathyderkseninspiredtenacity) cathy@inspiredtenacity.com Cathy has graciously offered two gifts to the Womanhood Decoded Village! Links for gifts are provided below! Gift: 1: Personalized Roadmap to Reignite Your Life Free assessment https://inspiredtenacityfreeassessment.now.site/home (https://inspiredtenacityfreeassessment.now.site/home) Gift 2: ebook: Reignite Your Life! 8 Strategies for Getting More Out of Your Life: https://inspiredtenacityebookreignite.now.site/ (https://inspiredtenacityebookreignite.now.site/) Podcast theme music by @corei.taylor ***Join me on Patreon for exclusive content, podcast merchandise and much more! Just download the Patreon App and type in Womanhood Decoded! Support this podcast