Jesus worked hard as a carpenter, and then later as a teacher—working frequently to the point of exhaustion—yet He was never working in His own strength. People often think Jesus could do what He did because He was God, but in truth He came to show humanity how to work. We were created to work! However, we have a problem: when Adam broke his relationship with God, work became hard and our weaknesses as humans became a hindrance. The Hebrew word for work, “avodah”, means work, worship and service. What if our everyday work was done with Jesus such that our work became a form of worship? What if there is a way for God to use our weaknesses for His glory and our good? Is it possible for us to work in the way that Jesus worked?
You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/
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Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?
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