The lads are back with another predictions pod where we discuss WWE Survivor Series this coming weekend, but we are not alone. For this episode we are hot tagging in a SPECIAL GUEST: Dan from the Hot Tag Foundation
In partnership with @realrasslinuk, Hot Tag Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the UK, with a mission statement centered around promoting kindness, well-being, and support through the Pro-Wrestling & Britwres community. They believe that children should have access to a role model that can be seen as a real-life superhero, just like we all did.
In this episode, Dan delights us with conversation where he talks all about how the foundation got started, his inspirations behind it, and aspirations for the future!
If you want to know how you can contribute to this great mission, swipe this post or check out their social media (linktr.ee/hottagfoundation).
You can also find out more at: