• Have you heard about God?
    Have you heard about God?

    What have you heard? Have you heard that He's hard or unkind or angry?

    The Bible tells us a different story. All throughout history, people have inaccurately represented God. And sometimes we wonder, "Why would I follow a God like this?"

    If you really want to know what God is like, I encourage you to read about Him for yourself. In the four Gospels in the New Testament, we see and read about the life of Jesus. And we see that He is compassionate and kind. He is powerful, and He's sacrificial.

    If you're confused about who God is, instead of just listening to others, why don't you read about God for yourself? Ask the One true God to reveal Himself to you.

    Always remember there is hope with God. This is Wendy Palau.

    "The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love." Psalm 145:8


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • A Good Father
    Have you experienced rejection?

    Listen to this passage from the book of Ephesians in the Bible…

    Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

    The loving embrace of our perfect Father can change your life forever. It’s never too late to start again. No matter what you’ve done, you can be made new and clean through the powerful, loving sacrifice of Jesus.

    He died on the cross to wash away every sin, every wrong thing that you’ve ever done. Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life right now, and receive God’s gift of love, acceptance, and belonging.

    Always remember there is hope with God. I’m Andrew Palau.

    Scripture Reference: Ephesians 1:4-5


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Do you know God?
    Do you know God?

    Or have you just heard about Him? I know about Nelson Mandela, but I'd never met him, and he didn't know me.

    But I also know my father, Robert Levy- his reputation, what his business is. But I also really know him, and he knows me. I'm his daughter. It's the same with God.

    Do you know Him? Do you know what He's done in the world? Or do you only know about Him?

    Psalm 25 says, "The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him. He teaches them His covenant."

    This doesn't mean being afraid of God, but it means believing He is who He says He is. And honoring Him for who He is.

    You can know Him. Ask Him, Lord, will you be my Father? I want to be your child.

    Always remember there is hope with God.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Come Into His Family
    The deep pain of the present sometimes feels like it will never end.

    Well, I want to encourage you—the harshness of the world doesn’t feel right because it’s not right.

    You were designed to be accepted, to feel that acceptance. To be loved and to know that you’re safe. You were created for a place of belonging. You were made to be rooted in a loving family.

    The God of the universe, the God who created you and loves you, is perfect in all the ways that human parents are not.

    He promises, “Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you. Even if your father and mother forsake you, I will never forsake you.” Says the Lord. “I am near to you and I will be in you.”

    This is His wonderful, loving gift; receive it today! The Father welcomes you with open arms today. In Jesus, you can be held close.

    Always remember there is hope with God.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Rejection
    Have you ever felt the sadness of being rejected?

    You get passed over, embarrassed in front of other people. Oh, we’ve all felt that.

    Those feelings of rejection take root in your life, especially if it’s something personal and really close to home.

    Know this: A better day is coming.

    Listen to these words of Jesus…

    Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.

    That feeling of rejection doesn’t have to last forever. As a matter of fact, God is inviting you today into His own family. Say “Yes” to Him! He loves you, He will accept you with great joy.

    Always remember there is hope with God. I’m Andrew Palau.

    Scripture Reference: John 14:1


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • A Woman Full of Grief
    I met a woman full of grief.

    She had just lost both her mother and father, and she told me her heart was broken. And she said to me, "I need healing; this grief is too heavy for me, and I don't want to live this way any longer."

    I shared with her the words from the prophet Isaiah. In chapter 53, he says that it was our weakness that Jesus carried on the cross. And our sorrow that weighed Him down. That Jesus is familiar with grief. That He knows it. He understands it. And because of the cross, the sorrow that we carry can be lifted.

    She responded. She asked the King of the world to comfort her and heal her.

    Are you weighed down by grief? He'll carry it for you. He'll take it. Will you ask Him today?

    Always remember there is hope with God.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • The Broken World, Healed
    Do you ever feel like the world is broken?

    Maybe you’re even trying to fix it. Scrambling to comfort yourself, rushing to escape painful situations—to bring chaos into order. How’s it working for you? It doesn’t ever work for me when I make that attempt.

    But, the Bible says, a day is coming when all wrong things will be undone. The famous writer C.S. Lewis talks about it this way, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

    You can live with this hope by putting your faith in Jesus—that the unbroken world you were made for, full of harmony and meaning, will one day be your reality.

    You don’t have to wait to experience the new life that Jesus offers.

    Jesus came into the world that He created and gave His own life to repair our relationship with God. He is offering you that new life today. Will you receive it?

    The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living. Romans 13:12


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • A Woman in Prison
    I met a woman in prison in Argentina.

    A girl, really, she was only 20 years old. She was in prison for selling and using drugs. Soon after she'd gotten there, her mother died.

    She was afraid. Her eyes filled with tears, and she said, "Now that I'm off drugs, I can think clearly, and I realize I am so alone in the world."

    My heart was deeply moved. I told her that God loves her, that He knows her name, that He saw all that she'd done, and He knew everything that had been done to her. And He wanted to welcome her into His eternal family.

    Hope and faith filled her eyes as we prayed. I was reminded there is hope for every human being on the face of the earth, and there is hope for you.

    Always remember there is hope with God. This is Wendy Palau.

    This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:19


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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