
  • Expansion and Contraction

    Expansion and contraction is the seeming movement of life. But is this the way of things, or is this just the apparent reality when one lives in a state of duality and separation? In this episode, Bird and Henry share how the process of realizing Truth is actually the discarding of the concepts of expansion and contraction, but how from a dualistic perspective, freedom (which is really just a lack of contraction) feels like an expanded state. We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit #expansion

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  • Morality

    What does it mean to be a "moral" person? To act with a sense of morality? Upon asking this question, a thought might arise that morality is defined as this or that, but upon deeper investigation, we come to see that morality is just another way to live in a state of duality and belief. In this episode of Hollow Bone, Henry and Bird discuss the trap of morality, along with an inspection of some of the egregious things humans have done throughout history in the name of morality. We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit#morality

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    45 分
  • Exhausting the Seeker

    When one is searching for Truth, there is a fundamental misunderstanding that something is missing or lacking. It is only when this searching, this seeker, is completely exhausted that one can see that the seeking itself was the only thing standing in the way of freedom, awakening, Truth. This backwards step is seeing the seeker or the "me" for what it is: an illusory obstacle obscuring the freedom that is fundamentally what one is. In this episode, Bird and Henry share personal experiences and anecdotes of coming to this understanding, and the ways they've each searched until the seeker threw up its hands in defeat. We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit#seekersoftruth #seekingthetruth #seekinggod

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  • Whose thoughts are these?

    In the process of self inquiry and the yearning for Truth (aka that which already is), it can be helpful to inquire "Who am I?" as Ramana Maharshi suggested. This inquiry can also take the form of "Whose thoughts are these?" "Who is the one observing this life?" The idea is to ask these questions until one has come upon the Truth. Through this direct line of contemplation, one comes to see that the "me" or the "I" which does the asking is in fact illusory and nonexistent. In this episode, Henry and Bird share their experiences with this process as it relates to the illusory "me". We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit#whoami

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    42 分
  • Ego the Escape Artist

    It's common to hear people speak of ego only as something that one doesn't like, but ego is also all the sweet and cherished bits of identity. When one is interested in waking up, every aspect of ego and identity comes to be seen for what it is: illusion. And this illusion is a deep web that has been created over a lifetime. The threads of identity web hide in the most unexpected places...usually in plain sight where we least expect them. We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit#identity #whoami

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    55 分
  • Finding What's Essential

    The essential nature of life has many facets: we can consider what's essential physically and materially to live a good life, and we can also consider the deeper, essential nature of our own beingness. In this episode, Henry and Bird discuss both of these facets, and how one plays into the other in the journey of spiritual awakening. What is one's essential nature? What is essential for peace? What is essential for waking up? We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit #essential #wholeness

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    57 分
  • The Joy of Not Knowing

    Life is one long perpetual string of unknowns. The mind will try to predict the future, to organize the truth of the unknown into something something which feels safe and stable. But the truth is, nothing in life can be predicted; nothing in life is known for certain. And we can either fear the unknown, or come to view it as an adventure. The only certainty is uncertainty. In this episode of Hollow Bone podcast, Henry and Bird share their personal experiences with the unknown, and transforming the fear of the unknown into the joy of the unknown.

    We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit #unknown #uncertainty #joy

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    46 分
  • Ayahuasca

    Ayahuasca and other psychedelic plant medicines are incredibly beautiful and often facilitate deeply profound and life-changing spiritual experiences for many people. It's common for folks in ayahuasca ceremonies to experience things like ego death, dissolution of self, unity, what feels like temporary enlightenment, the void, entities, and loads of other mystical and spiritual things. But how helpful is it really when it comes to waking up? If what you truly want is to wake up from the dream of separation, ayahuasca (like meditation) can be a helpful pointer but there is a subtle and elusive trap that most people fall into. in In this episode, Bird shares common traps she's seen with ayahuasca based on her experience facilitating plant medicine journeys and from her time living at an ayahuasca center. Bird and Henry discuss all facets of ayahuasca: the spiritual, the mystical, the physical, and the healing. This is a great one! We're not here to wake you up, to enlighten you, or to heal you. Our invitation is to come and see for yourself what's True. Welcome back to the void! SUPPORT US | https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=39ERME4ABRV6A Subscribe to Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/@hollowboneranch?sub_confirmation=1 Listen on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ZP8lQQfei9w1fjk6ogTMd?si=096635b4ee124c99 Listen on Apple podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollow-bone/1657252756 Hollow Bone Ranch | https://hollowboneranch.org ABOUT Hollow Bone podcast is a "spiritually incorrect" approach to Truth, hosted by Bird and Henry Hollar. You may resonate with our conversations if you’re drawn to concepts like spiritual awakening, consciousness, self inquiry, enlightenment, nonduality, psychedelics, transcending ego, moving beyond suffering, and waking up from the dream of separation. #nondualism #nonduality #integrity #spiritualawakening #spirituality #selfinquiry #selfenquiry #meditation #egodeath #awakeningjourney #awakening #noself #ego #truenature #god #spirit#ayahuasca #psychedelics #ayahuascaceremony #plantmedicine #plantmedicines #shamanism #shaman #medicinewoman

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