Listen in to our live episode from 12/9! Tabitha joins us as we share laughs and stories about holiday gifts, Christmas tree adventures, and the joys and challenges of raising kids. To support us: Become a subscriber here. Check out our merch! We would love to hear your feedback on the podcast. Feel free to leave us a message or send us an e-mail at talklikeamotherpodcast@gmail.com or, Send us a voice Message! You can find us: On Facebook - Talk Like a Mother: Parenting Autism Podcast Instagram - @talklikeamotherpodcast You can also find our personal pages where we write about our parenting at: Jaime Ramos as Jaime Ramos Writes on Facebook and Instagram Jaimeramoswrites.com Kim McIsaac as Autism Adventures with Alyssa on Facebook and Instagram Autismadventureswithalyssa.com Jenn Dunn as Keeping up with Kya on Facebook and Instagram Keepingupwithkya.com Rachel Flanagan as Flanaville on Facebook