
  • The causes of WW2

    Find out about the causes of WW2!

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    21 分
  • Munich Agreement and Appeasement

    Find out about the Munich Crisis and how appeasement helped cause WW2!

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    12 分
  • The Rhineland and Anschluss

    How did events in the Rhineland and Austria lead to WW2? Find out!

    GCSE Topic: Conflict and Tension: the inter war years

    Topics: Anschluss, Rhineland, Appeasement, Causes of WW2

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    7 分
  • Manchuria and Abyssinia

    This episode discusses the causes and consequences of both the Manchurian Crisis and the Abyssinian Crisis, and explains how they helped cause a domino effect that led to WW2.

    GCSE Link: Conflict and Tension: the inter war years

    Topics: Manchuria, Abyssinia, League of Nations, Causes of WW2

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    6 分
  • The League of Nations

    This episode examines the League and its structure, and discusses some of the weaknesses as well as the successes and failures in the 1920s and 1930s.

    GCSE Link: Conflict and Tension: the inter war years

    Topic: League of Nations, Weakness of the League, 1920s, Manchuria

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    6 分
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This episode explains all about the big three who created the Treaty, the terms of the Treaty and the German reaction to it.

    GCSE Link: Conflict and Tension, the inter war years

    Topic: Treaty of Versailles, Big Three, German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

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    7 分