Educator and Apocatastasis Institute founder, John Coleman, joined me (back in October!) to discuss the Rockefeller “education” system, and alternatives like his Apocatastasis Institute. Since recording this conversation, I have joined forces with the Institute, and will be teaching a Quantum Languaging course there this Spring. Be sure to sign up for my/his newsletter to stay abreast of our collaboratings…
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
Pop Propaganda digital homeschool course:
Find John/Apocatastasis Institute:
Show notes:
- Apocatastasis Institute- John’ s origin story as an educator
- Institute vs conventional schools re: freedom
- Testing culture of public schools
- Breaking bonds/ Indoctrinating youth
- 2007 Common Core curriculum
- Un/Homeschooling community- lack of rigor
- Imbalanced & informal- lack of masculine leadership
- Kowtowing to children’s whims
- Reclaiming classrooms with discipline
- Planning for a post-apocalyptic future
- Western culture/education as unifying ritual
- Mechanization of labour
- Medieval vs modern mindset & values
- Inevitability of crisis of meaning
- Reclaiming philosophy and Life
- Frances Bacon, Shakespeare, & Scientism
- Birth certificate, genetics, state legislation
- Teaching Law at the institute
- Demographic of students
- Teaching parents to teach
- Societal treatment of teachers
- Creating & preserving common ground
- What to do about Gen Y?
- Deconstructing of American identity
- Piety and heritage takes work
- Victory-tapping into archetypes
- Educational offerings of the Institute
- Synoptical learning
- A haven in the coming storm