• 1. Don’t You Know That Idolatry Is Heresy? (1 Kings 10:1-29)

    Lately, I have had this desire to teach our coworkers abroad, as well as many other souls, who it is that belong to heresy. So if there is anyone who has fallen into heresy, I would like to help him escape from it. It’s with this intention that I am now speaking about heresy from the viewpoint of the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit, and I believe that such faith and knowledge is completely indispensable for everyone.


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  • 2. God’s Curse on Heretics (1 Kings 15:25-34)

    Jeroboam’s son was named Nadab. Although he succeeded his father’s throne to rule over Israel as its king, he was eventually murdered by one of his servants, and his entire family was also wiped out. As King Nadab was evil in the sight of Jehovah, and he walked in the way of his father Jeroboam, the curse of death followed every generation of Jeroboam’s house. While King Nadab the son of Jeroboam was waging war in a place called Gibbethon, one of his officials, named Baasha, conspired against him during the war, killed him, and became king in his place. When Baasha became king of Israel, he struck the whole house of Jeroboam and destroyed everyone, leaving no one alive. Jehovah had prophesied this destruction of the house of Jeroboam through the Prophet Ahijah, and it came to pass exactly as prophesied. The Bible shows that everything God had said to these kings through His prophets was all fulfilled as promised. Baasha, who had conspired against his king Nadab and killed him, passed his throne to his son, but once again, an official named Zimri plotted against the new king and killed him, thus usurping the throne of Israel.


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  • 3. Today’s Heretics Who Are Like King Ahab (1 Kings 21:1-26)

    From today’s Scripture passage, I would like us to reflect on the sins of Ahab and Jezebel. To expropriate Naboth’s vineyard by force, King Ahab had solicited perjury from false witnesses, and based on their false accusation, he had Naboth killed. To hold Ahab accountable for this sin, God then told Elijah His servant to deliver the following message to Ahab: “Have you murdered and also taken possession? In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, dogs shall lick your blood, even yours” (1 Kings 21:19). This came to pass exactly as Jehovah had said, as later on, Ahab was killed in the battlefield shot by an arrow while waging war against Syria, and while the chariot stained with his blood was washed in a pool in Samaria, dogs came and licked his blood (1 Kings 22:38). Ahab was the king of the northern kingdom of Israel, and Jezebel was his wife; they followed the footsteps of Jeroboam and provoked the wrath of God with their greed.


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  • 4. There Are God’s Servants Still Remaining On This Earth (1 Kings 22:1-40)

    Today’s Scripture passage from 1 Kings 22:1-40 describes King Ahab’s death. This passage tells us that King Ahab was killed because he ignored the words of God’s servant. Ahab was the king of Israel, the northern kingdom, while Jehoshaphat was the king of Judah the southern kingdom. These two kings had joined their forces to attack Syria, but in the course of the battle, King Ahab was shot to death. Just as Micaiah had prophesied the will of the Lord, God, Ahab was defeated and died in the battlefield.


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    1 時間 13 分
  • 5. Christians Must Now Turn around and Believe in the Gospel of The Water and the Spirit (1 Kings 22:51-53)

    Today’s Scripture passage tells us that when Ahaziah, the son of King Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel, assumed the throne in Samaria, he walked in the wicked way of his father and mother—that is, he also followed the way of Jeroboam who had made Israel sin—and provoked Jehovah God to anger just as his father had done. Succeeding his father, Ahaziah ruled over Israel for two years, and died from the wound he suffered from a fall. The question here is this: What exactly did he do during his two years of reign? The Bible says that as he walked in the way of his father and mother, in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who had made Israel sin, Ahaziah also worshiped golden calves and thus provoked the Lord God of Israel to anger. Among those who followed Jeroboam the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel to assume its throne, there was no king who ever feared Jehovah God and pleased Him. It’s all because these kings followed all the sins committed by Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel.


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  • 6. Who Are These Christian Leaders Seeking Only Mammon? (2 Kings 5:1-27)

    Today’s Scripture passage comes from 2 Kings 5:1-27. Based on this passage, I would like to testify the truth about heresy. The passage from 2 Kings 5:1-27 is the Word of Truth recording the events that happened during the process in which General Naaman, a leper, was healed from his disease.
    The Bible writes, “Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the LORD had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper.” General Naaman was the most important hero who had saved his nation from a crisis. So even though he did not hold the nominal title of king, he was actually treated like one. Naaman had everything he wanted, but he had come down with leprosy. Leprosy was one of the incurable diseases of that time, and so the fact that Naaman was infected with leprosy meant his imminent death. Naaman was therefore facing the greatest challenge in his life.


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    1 時間 23 分
  • 7. By This Time Tomorrow, You Shall Know What True Salvation Is (2 Kings 7:1-20)

    Today, we read the entire chapter seven of 2 Kings. Israel had been invaded by Syria, and it was now cornered into its capital, the city of Samaria. This city of Samaria was surrounded by the army of Syria and was cut off from all food supplies, and everyone in the city was facing starvation unto death. So the price of food was extremely high at that time (2 Kings 6:25). Even wild beans and donkey heads, which the people of Israel had not eaten under normal times, were sold at a dear price. A shekel of silver in the Israeli currency at that time was worth about four days’ wages for an average worker. So in order to buy a cup of wild beans, a worker had to pay 20 days worth of wages, and almost his entire annual wages for a donkey’s head. This shows just how little the people of Israel had at that time.


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    1 時間 50 分
  • 8. Who Are the False Prophets inside the Christianity of Today? (Matthew 7:15-27)

    Today, I would like to speak about the false prophets mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7, verse 15 and those verses that follow it. Most Christians nowadays are currently leading a life of faith under the deception of pastors who are false prophets. Then, is it the case that such lives of faith are all due to prophets who speak lies? No, the bigger problem lies in their inability to discern the false prophets from the true ones. But this is mainly due to the fact that the false prophets look more like true prophets in their outer appearance than the true prophets themselves from a human perspective.


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