Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Healing Hearts by Blejsko: A Winter's Walk of Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-27-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je gledala skozi okno majhnega avtomobila, kot bi skušala ujeti tisto redko zimsko jutro, mirno in kristalno jasno.En: Mateja was looking out of the window of the small car, as if trying to capture that rare winter morning, calm and crystal clear.Sl: V snegu je bil odtis teme, ki je kljubovala.En: In the snow, there was the imprint of a darkness that defied.Sl: Vožnja do Blejskega jezera je bila tiha.En: The drive to Blejsko jezero was silent.Sl: Nik je sedel spredaj, mrke volje.En: Nik sat in the front, sullen.Sl: Sara je zadaj držala mamino dlan, potrebovala je toplino, ki je, kot otroci vedo, lahko prežene vse oblake.En: Sara was in the back holding her mother's hand, needing the warmth that, as children know, can chase away all clouds.Sl: Ko so prispeli, so izstopili in hladni zrak jih je ovil kot bel puhast šal.En: When they arrived, they got out, and the cold air wrapped around them like a white fluffy scarf.Sl: Jezero je bilo prelepo, ledena gladina se je svetlikala pod zimskim soncem.En: The lake was beautiful, the icy surface shimmering under the winter sun.Sl: Otok z znano cerkvico sredi jezera je bil kot s slike, bleščeč se pod rahlim slojem snega.En: The island with the familiar church in the middle of the lake looked like something out of a picture, glistening under a slight layer of snow.Sl: "Spomnite se, ko smo sem prišli poleti?En: "Remember when we came here in the summer?"Sl: " je rekla Mateja, skušajoč prebuditi lepe spomine.En: Mateja said, trying to awaken happy memories.Sl: "Kako smo se smejali in dirjali po vodi v čolnu.En: "How we laughed and raced on the water in the boat."Sl: "Nik je samo zamrmral.En: Nik only murmured in response.Sl: Pogledal je stran, oči so mu bile v nekem oddaljenem krajšem spominu, ki ni bil brez bolečine.En: He looked away, his eyes lost in some distant short memory that was not without pain.Sl: Sara je stisnila mamin prst nekoliko močneje, kot bi čutila, da je mama v stiski.En: Sara squeezed her mother's finger a little tighter, as if sensing that her mother was distressed.Sl: "Vem, da je zdaj težko," je nadaljevala Mateja, kot da bi govorila z jezerom, ki se ni dalo premakniti, "ampak poskusimo najti lepoto v tem dnevu.En: "I know it's hard now," continued Mateja, as if speaking to the lake that could not be moved, "but let's try to find the beauty in this day.Sl: Sproščeni, kot včasih, samo mi trije.En: Relaxed, like before, just the three of us."Sl: "Začeli so hoditi po poti okoli jezera, glasovi so jim odzvanjali po zasneženih gričih.En: They started walking along the path around the lake, their voices echoing over the snowy hills.Sl: Stopinje so puščale sledi, a nikakor ne morejo povedati zgodbe.En: The footprints left traces, but they could not tell the story.Sl: Na razgledni točki nad jezerom, kjer je bil pogled na otoček najlepši, se Nik ni mogel več zadržati.En: At the viewpoint above the lake, where the view of the island was the most beautiful, Nik could no longer hold back.Sl: "Zakaj se sploh trudimo?En: "Why are we even trying?"Sl: " je izbruhnil, njegov glas skoraj se je izgubil med drevesi.En: he burst out, his voice almost lost among the trees.Sl: "To ne bo rešilo ničesar.En: "This won't solve anything."Sl: "Mateja je tiho stala, vedela je, da srce njegovega sina bije med bolečino in jezo.En: Mateja stood silently, knowing her son's heart was beating between pain and anger.Sl: "Nik," je rekla nežno, "vem, da je to vse novo in strašljivo.En: "Nik," she said gently, "I know this is all new and scary.Sl: A vedno bomo družina, mogoče nekoliko drugačna, ampak ljubezen nič ne spremeni.En: But we will always be a family, perhaps a little different, but love changes nothing."Sl: "Sara je držala roke v zraku, kot bi hotela povezati odtise preteklosti z zdajšnjostjo.En: Sara held her hands in the air, as if wanting to connect the imprints of the past with the present.Sl: "Mama ima prav, še vedno nas imaš na varnem.En: "Mom is right, you still have us safe."Sl: "Nik je pogledal mater in se zlomi.En: Nik looked at his mother and broke down.Sl: "Bojim se, kaj bo s tem.En: "I'm afraid, what's going to happen with this?Sl: Kakšna prihodnost nas čaka?En: What kind of future awaits us?"Sl: "Mateja ga je objela, in ko se jim je Sara pridružila, so ostali tako nekaj trenutkov, njihova telesa nežno grela ledeni zrak.En: Mateja hugged him, and when Sara joined them, they stayed like that for a few moments, their bodies gently warming the icy air.Sl: Ko so končno nadaljevali pot okoli jezera, je bilo med njimi nekaj lažje.En: When they finally continued their walk around the lake, there was something lighter among them.Sl: Mateja je med hojo razmišljala, da bo bolj prisluhnila, bolj pazila na ...