In this episode Megan & Katie discuss how trauma is defined, examples of trauma with horses and explore methods and therapies to help heal from a fall or traumatic experience. Resources mentioned in the podcast: Bessel Van Der Kolk- https://www.besselvanderkolk.com/resources/the-body-keeps-the-score Peter Levine and Somatic Experiencing: https://traumahealing.org/ Brainspotting and David Grand, Phd.- https://brainspotting.com/ EMDR: https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/ Accelerated Resolution Therapy: https://acceleratedresolutiontherapy.com/ Katie's Performance Enhancement Site : https://www.tlbperformance.com/ Have a question or comment? Please email us at horseandhumanpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us at Horse and Human Podcast on Facebook and Instagram!