
  • 36. Communication and Good Vibes

    Join us this week while Amber and Yezi ramble about the highs and lows of life and when we're feeling low... to think of the highs!

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  • 35. A Time Of Rambling and Lament

    Join us this week while Amber and Yezi ramble about the rollercoaster 2025 has been. It has been a tough start for many of us. Grieving all the things lost around us, including physical things that we now only have memories of.

    How can we talk about these shitty circumstances while possibly still being in survival mode? When is it the right time to come out of survival mode? How do we start to feel again? Time of lament is often avoided... is that healthy? Wanting to understand each other and support each other means accepting the change within yourself and your village. Tune in next week to hear about what comes after fires!

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  • 34. Physically and Mentally Healing Post Trauma: SoCal Wild Fires

    In this episode of Heal, Laugh, and Rise Up, Amber and Jesse sit down with functional nutritionist Julie Miller to talk about simple, natural ways to support your body and mind during post-trauma recovery.

    Get Julie's teas at Tranquilitytea.net

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  • 32. Merry Christmas Eve! Holidays Can Come With Difficult Expectations...

    Merry Christmas y'all! And if you do not celebrate Christmas, Happy Tuesday! We apologize in advance for this weeks episode. Our audio was funky but we didn't know it at the time of recording... then a bear came and interrupted. We tried to keep going... then by the time we heard the recording issues, we decided to call it a day and we will be back next week!

    Holidays sometimes are a way for us to check in and see what has changed over the year. Maybe this year you have new people gathering. Maybe your celebrating your first year or second year without a loved one. Maybe you are not gathering at all like normal. It can be a very emotional time.

    It's also a time we may be focused on traditions and trying to keep things the same... even with all the changes we may be trying to keep the traditions going. Or even making new ones! Holidays may complicate things further... Remember to take a big deep breath and let it out slowly. Feel the ground under your feet, the air on your skin. You got this!

    If we can survive bear visits, you can survive family visits! We got this! Love you guys! Have a great end to this year!

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  • 31. You Are What You Eat: Leaving Artificial Colors Behind

    We are there y'all! It is the Holiday season! How did this year fly by so quickly? Like every year, here we are in the season of candies and baked goods. We know most food our loved ones make do not come with an ingredient list, but the food sold in stores typically do. So How do we read the labels and what should we be avoiding? It's extremely overwhelming!

    Join us while we omit artificial colors from our food. We plan to eat most of the fatty and delicious food at our holidays but in reality, we may be saying no to the candy canes because look at all that color! Please please, bring on the naturally colored and flavored candies this year!!

    Also, share your experience with us! How have you not eaten the bad food grandma made you without offending her?

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  • 30. Stop Being What You Don't Want To Be, CHANGE!

    How was your Thanksgiving? Was it your normal traditional holiday? For Amber, she and her family tried something new! Getting away from it all, it was a true Holiday! Yezi made some changes in her life recently too, she chose to eat in public as a party of 1.

    Have you done anything different this week? Is there something you'd like to change about yourself?

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  • 29. Thanksgiving Week: A Time To Be Grateful Or Stressed

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! Are you excited or do the holidays kick your ass? Physically, emotionally? Is this a bitter sweet time for you or just bitter?

    What were some traditions during the holidays that you grew up doing and which ones do you still continue to do? Is there any traditions that you chose to put an end to? Tune in to hear why Yezi was such a "Grinch" before and what she has done differently so she does not miss out on the joys of holiday time.

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  • 28. Work To Live, Not Live To Work: Expanding Your Thinking

    What is your hobby? What is something that you enjoy doing? "What is your why?" Do you have a hobby or joy in life that you work so hard to be able to do? Did you get so caught up hustling that you forgot to enjoy life and just started chasing the money?

    Yezi and Amber both figured out traveling away from home (even if it's just down the street) is their hobby. Traveling and eating the food! When in Rome!

    Learning other cultures can be life changing! It can teach you how to let go of control, how to adapt to change better, to embrace changes in life, and ultimately takes you out of your comfort zone!

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