It's been over 150 episodes since we covered Die Hard, which is generally considered to be the second best Christmas action movie of all time. Now we're covering Die Hard 2 which is generally considered to be a sequel to Die Hard. But we couldn't do that on it's own. You can't have celebrate Nogcember without a little Cobra. That and nutmeg are what gives the nog that extra kick
This second episode of Nogcember is gonna answer the question, are Cobra and Die Hard 2... BLOODY GOOD FILMS!?
We encourage everyone to watch along while you listen and make sure to comment and let us know what you think. If you haven't already please follow us on Facebook, TikTok, "X" and Instagram @bloodygoodfilmpodcast and remember...
Keep it bloody buddies!!!
#noggcember #nogcember #diehard #diehard2 #cobra #action #jessielovesnog #brucewillis #sylvesterstallone #noglovesnogg #remakes #Horror #ActionFilm #ActionMovie #ActionMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorFilms #HorrorMovie