Welcome to Quick Beer Reviews by Strikeout Beer. Tonight RD is having harpoon brewery Winter Warmer holiday ale with cinnamon and nutmeg.  This tasty treat comes in at 6.0% ABV.
From the bottle:
“Winter Warmer pairs best with your favorite sweater and the warm crack of a fire.”
From the website:
The first seasonal craft beer release on the east coast, Winter Warmer has been our holiday tradition since 1988 and has since become a New England classic. Combining the subtle sweetness of caramel malt with holiday spice additions of cinnamon and nutmeg, it’s both hardy and satisfying yet surprisingly easy-drinking. Cheers!”
Definitely giving this a thumbs up and will have again. How about you?
Thanks for watching!
#beer #craftbeer #beerreview #craftbeerreview #beerchannel #beerpodcast #craftbeerchannel #craftbeerpodcast #winterwarmer #harpoonbrewery #strikeoutbeer #quickbeerreviews
From the bottle:
“Winter Warmer pairs best with your favorite sweater and the warm crack of a fire.”
From the website:
The first seasonal craft beer release on the east coast, Winter Warmer has been our holiday tradition since 1988 and has since become a New England classic. Combining the subtle sweetness of caramel malt with holiday spice additions of cinnamon and nutmeg, it’s both hardy and satisfying yet surprisingly easy-drinking. Cheers!”
Definitely giving this a thumbs up and will have again. How about you?
Thanks for watching!
#beer #craftbeer #beerreview #craftbeerreview #beerchannel #beerpodcast #craftbeerchannel #craftbeerpodcast #winterwarmer #harpoonbrewery #strikeoutbeer #quickbeerreviews