Today's Positive Parenting Pep Talks Podcast is a recording of and interview I gave many years ago on the Happier Kids Now Online Expo. I wanted to share it with you because I was able to provide so many ideas for helping you to help your kids behave better.
I mentioned the Dial-A-Discipline Wheel that you can purchase here.
I talked about Power Struggles and have an online video class you can purchase for $12.99 here.
Please visit my website and learn more about Self-Directed and facilitated Positive Parenting classes.
Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook and leave your comments and suggestions about these ideas.
In this episode:
- About my back ground and how I got started
- Why do kids Misbehave?
- Kids have need they are trying to get met through their behavior.
- Spend time with kids when they’re not misbehaving.
- How do you identify misbehavior?
- A systematic approach to misbehavior in your children.
- A misbehaving child is a discouraged child.
There are 4 mistaken goals of misbehavior:
- Attention
- Power
- Revenge
- Inadequacy
Dial-A-Discipline to help identify and correct misbehavior.
- Why do kids love to power struggle with us?
- What age do they learn to power struggle with us?
- What’re the 2 best ways to teach them not to power struggle with us?
- How do you get out of a power struggle?
- Why do kids always have to get the last word in?
- What is the high level communication tool you can role model for your children?
- What happens if your child is being hurtful or hateful?
- You need to know which discipline to use on which behavior.
- What is the child who is helpless, tired or says, “I Can’t”?
- What is the first thing to do when your child is being hurtful or hateful?
- How can you understand the behavior without taking it personally?
- Mirror back to your child the impact they are having on their world.
- An example of my daughter bing in the goal of revenge and how I handled it.
- Valuable insights into the goal of revenge.
- Looking at how adults model this behavior.
- Learn to redirect a child that is whining and saying, “I can’t!”
During the last 20 minutes, Deb offers parents specific help during Q&A.
If you want more in depth information about powers struggles and the other 3 goals go to Season 1 of the Positive Parenting Pep Talks Podcast.