HR Bytes S3E6: Jay Polaki, Founder and CEO of HR Geckos (https://hrgeckos.com/), in conversation with Stela Lupushor. Stela is a thought leader, speaker, educator, and futurist on a mission to humanize the workplace. She advises startups, venture funds, and mature enterprises on using design thinking, technology, and analytics to create inclusive workplaces. Stela works with the Conference Board’s Fortune 500 member corporations on rethinking their workplace strategies and leads Reframe.Work Inc.
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Reach Jay on Social: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpolaki/ Twitter: @jaypolaki https://twitter.com/jaypolaki Facebook: @JayPolaki https://www.facebook.com/JayPolaki/ Instagram: @jay.polaki https://www.instagram.com/jay.polaki/
Reach Stela on #linkedIn: linkedin.com/in/slupushor and X: https://twitter.com/slupusho https://www.linkedin.com/in/annaburkhartturner Stela’s Connection Recommendations: Stacia Garr Stela’s Podcast Recommendation: Chad & Cheese Stela’s Community Recommendations: https://www.meetup.com/hranalyticspros/ and https://arxiv.org
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