Starting October 9th, learn more about Sabrina's 4 week ecourse, "Reading Tarot in the Round and Walking the Diviner’s Path." This spooky season online course will teach you to jump from tarot neophyte to insightful intermediate through the power of round cards. You'll also learn to interpret key patterns across any layout! Click here to find out more:
This episode explores adult topics such as healing from incest, reclaiming sexual joy, and diverse approaches to intimacy. Please be sure to listen only in age-appropriate company. We trust you to honor your own needs, beliefs, and limits in listening, and hope you will enjoy this special episode of the Grounded Magic podcast.
How can a person best heal from incest and sexual trauma? No one can answer this question for another, but healer Sharon Marie Scott describes her unique path in this episode. With courage and candor, she shares her story and explains how critical it was for her to honor all parts of herself---and how doing so unexpectedly led to renewed pleasure and joy.
Sharon Marie Scott is a medicine woman, divine embodiment accelerator, and Life Turned ON mentor. Her blended healing modality, Guided Epigenetic Release, releases trauma from a person’s cellular memory so their past no longer interrupts their present. She is also a proud steward, educator, and leader in the alternative lifestyles communities (sex-positive LGBTQ+, kink/BDSM, polyamory/open/sovereign relating).
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