
  • Before Abraham, wait for it... I Am

    Video YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/xPTckFslv_o

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  • Been with Jesus // Paul


    1. Man Down and Needs a Medic

        Acts 9:1-20

        a. Paul was struck down on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9)

    i. Not because God wanted to kill him, but to get Paul out of his own way

    ii.Ananias asks for understanding; what God is asking sounds crazy (Acts 9:13-16)

    iii. God responds with further clarification

    2. “Immediately”

         Acts 9:20

          a. Paul’s immediate response is very similar to several others in the Gospels

    i. The Leper – Mark 1:40-45

    ii. The Demon Possessed Man – Mark 5:1-20

    iii. The Deaf/Mute Man – Mark 7:31-37

    iv. The Two Blind Men – Matthew 9:27-31

    v. The Samaritan Woman at the Well – John 4:1-42

           b. Your Testimony is your greatest tool

    3. From the Accused to the Ambassador

          a. Characteristics of an Ambassador

    i. Represents a foreign land within the receiving country (Heaven to Earth)

    ii. Familiar with the culture, social norms, and local economy (peace with all)

    iii. Well versed in the receiving country’s politics and significant historical events (times and seasons)

    iv. Effectively communicates with people of various cultures and backgrounds (light of the world)

    v. Understands the receiving country’s laws, though not condemned by those laws (you are a new creature)

    vi. Seeks to advance the interests of their country while residing in the receiving country (spreading the Gospel)

    vii. Resilient and able to cope with the challenges of working in a foreign land (steadfast)

          b. The Biblical description of an Ambassador for Christ

    i. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

    1. God is making his appeal to the world through us

    2. We are to become the righteousness of God (the example of the Kingdom on earth)

    ii. John 17:15-18

    1. You are not of this world because Christ is not of this world

    2. As Christ was sent into the world, so are you!

    4. The Name of God is Now Upon You

          Acts 9:15

    Name (Greek: onoma) = everything that encompasses a person’s reputation (rank, authority, hobbies, interests, deeds, exploits, etc)

          b. Exodus 20:7

    i. Name (Hebrew: šēm) = reputation, fame, glory

    ii. Vain (Hebrew: šāv') = worthless conduct, emptiness of speech

          c. We are written letters, in the flesh, from God to the world

    i. 2 Corinthians 3:3

    ii. What kind of story are you writing?

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  • Been with Jesus // Nicodemus


    1. Nicodemus Rich-Powerful-Empty-Questioning

         John 3:1-2

    a. Sadducees, Essenes and Pharisees

    b. Ruler- Sanhedrin

    c. Prejudice

    d. Night

    e. Respectful

    2. Physical and Spiritual

         John 3:3-13

    a. Pleasant, but aside

    b. The Kingdom- see/enter

    c. Physical- Spiritual cleansing. Water=holy

    d.  Son of Man

    3. Fired or Recruited

        John 3:14-17

    a. Serpent on a stick- Deep Theology

    b. Fired or hired

    c. Chosen or loved - the most profound

    •  the world

    d. Ee-Taow--7;50-51, 19:38-39

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  • The Devil // Been with Jesus


    1. Into the Wild

        LUKE 4:1-2

    a. Led by the Spirit into the wilderness

    How often do we wind up being in a place longer than we should out of disobedience?

    b. Being tempted by the Devil

    • 2 Corinthians 4:4

    c. He was hungry

    • Hebrews 2:18

    • Hebrews 4:15

    2.  What is your hunger?

          luke 4:3-4

    a. Redirect- The purpose of hunger

    • Deuteronomy 8:3

    b. Do you understand what is your need?

    3. What is your price?

         LUKE 4:5-8

    a. The bypass of pain

    b. Did he have the right to offer it?

    c. Redirect- it’s not about the stuff or the power, it is about the relationship

    • Deuteronomy 6:13

    4. Who are you?

         LUKE 4:9-12

    a. Do you matter?

    b. To go against the natural instinct- the looming question of the cross.

    c.  Redirect-I know the father

    • Deuteronomy 6:16   

    5. Yo homes, smell ya later

         LUKE 4:13

    a. If you are in the wilderness make sure it is the Holy Spirit and not your sin that has you there.

    b. The devil might come to you, but don’t come to him

    • James 4:7

    • Matthew 10:13

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  • John- Passion over Power


    1.The power is not in the principalities (3:1–3:2)

    a.. Political Power

    b. Religious Power

    c. How do you battle power?   Ephesians 6:10-13

    d. Real Power -The Word in the The Wilderness, Hosea 2:14

    2. Identity=Jesus   (Luke 3:3-20)

    1. Repentant belonging (3-9) - IN

    *Baptism of Repentance

    *Particular sins, particularly

    *Lord may we know the weight of your wrath and the density of your mercy -ChiChi

    b. Live to tell (10-14)—out

    *How do we make our paths straight? Proverbs 3:5-6

    • Everyone- live a life of___________

    *Government- __________ your position of care

    *Soldiers- Do not use your ___________ to harm

    *1Peter 3:15

    c. . Point to Jesus (15-22) -up

    *. Expectation *John 3:29

    *. Preach Good News   Jeremiah 20:9

    * Our joy is in our identity; our identity is in Christ

    3. Watch for Jesus (23)

    *Luke 2:40, 52, 3:23

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  • Been with Jesus // John + Elizabeth

    watch it: https://youtube.com/live/y49xojRmR6c

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  • Been with Jesus Luke 2:22-38

    watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zdNe7amW4I&t=2238s

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  • The patient expectation of the powerful unknown.


    The patient expectation of the powerful unknown. - James 5

    1. The values of God’s economy.

          James 5:1-6

          a. Wealth is not the enemy- its love is- Prov. 10:22

          b. On what do you place value?

          c. How do you treat those who  do not have power?

    2. Patient Expectation

         James 5:7-12

          a. Be patient- but live in expectation

          b. Establish your hearts

          c. We  patiently wait even when we do know what we are waiting for

          d. Do not cut corners.

    3. Weakened by sin?

         James 5:13-16

          a. Our sin can make us sick

          b. A Biblical response to life:

          - Suffering- pray

          - Happy- rejoice

    - Sick-Seek Prayer

    - Pray for people when they are sick

    4. The power of Faithfulness = Discipleship

          a.  Power invades the weakness

          b. Elijah was normal

          c. You pray, God acts= Testimony

    d. Save that person, Cover others

    e. The promise is real but not yet seen.

    f. Thanking God for James

    Kairos Questions

    Heart- Who has given you your value in life? Was it different at different times?

    Soul- Do you devalue others? Who and why?

    Mind- Read or summarize 1 Kings 17-18: How does God use hard situations to show his power?  How does this show Elijah is normal yet a channel of great power?

    Strength- What do you need patience for today?

    Neighbor- Who needs your prayers?

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