
  • Joshua 11 & 12 - Commissioning for City Renewal | ryan peterson


    We are continuing in the City Renewal Series as we see God’s desire to bring His will and His heart to the people in their place of influence. This week, we are in chapters 11 and 12 of the book of Joshua. As we have read through Joshua, we are seeing him strengthen himself in the Lord, pick up the assignment God gives him, cross obstacles that are in the way of his journey, and obtain the Promised Land that belongs to God's people. You can look at this war the Israelites are in one of two ways; That Joshua had an agenda to kill seemingly innocent people for a land that was filled with abundance, or that God was cleansing the land of defilement, which was His agenda long ago, and He was looking for a people to submit to His will. The latter is the exact idea that God wants to do in your city. He has a plan. He wants His kingdom to come and His city to be built. Will you pick up your Joshua assignment and lead your city to the destiny God designed?

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • Joshua 9 & 10 | Hector Ortiz


    In our reading of the book of Joshua, Israel has defeated Jericho and Ai, and now 4 kings are gathering their forces to try to defeat the Israelites, keeping them from possessing the land, but God has a plan. Know this: God has a promised land, and a plan, for you as well. Your part is to believe: believe God, believe in the calling, believe in the promise. But we can easily become connected to the wrong vision or people who influence our ways of thinking, living, and behaving, causing us to battle with doubt and unbelief. We need to be wise about who we walk with because God is working to save the world: first by partnering with Israel, and now with us. Are you in?

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • Baptism Weekend | Keith Golightly


    For this Baptism Weekend, we are looking at why Jesus Himself received a baptism and how the answer to that question informs us about His redemptive mission on the earth, and why we, as His followers, receive a baptism as well. Here at Grace, we define water baptism as "an outward declaration of an inward transformation". It is the physical act that testifies of God's complete work in us. It reveals His willingness to give Himself for us, and our willingness to abandon everything to have more of Him. If Jesus indeed died for us, then who are we to not live for Him.

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • Joshua 7 & 8: Instructions of The Heart | ryan peterson


    We are continuing in our City Renewal series going through the book of Joshua together. The story of Joshua has been dramatic so far. God speaks “Strong and Courageous” over Joshua (you), and calls him to cross the Jordan with the priests leading the way. We have seen great victory over strongholds (Jericho) and are making progress in our faith. We now come upon Ai, a smaller city that seems like it should be easily overtaken, yet Israel is not victorious due to the sin of one man. We see in Chapter 7 that it’s not just a story of Achan and his greed, it’s a parallel to our inner world. It's a picture of how our heart works and the destruction of sin. It’s a chapter that demonstrates that while faith pleases God, there is also power in a life of faith that’s not just a supplement to pleasing Him. There will be prosperity. There will be success in the promised land. There will be great victories, but the secret brings us back to chapter one.

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • Joshua: Chapters 5 & 6 | Dan Lyle


    This week in our City Renewal series, we’re taking a look at Joshua 5 & 6. Israel has finally entered the much anticipated Promised Land: Canaan. This is the land that is “flowing with milk and honey”—filled with abundance—where they will finally be a nation. And, perhaps to our surprise, they find themselves at the base of a mighty fortified city that must come down. We too will face fortified cities when we enter into our promises: Strongholds that must come down. From Israel’s journey we learn principles and practices that we can apply in the battles we face each day. We can face our strongholds with confidence, knowing and believing that they WILL fall. What portions of your heart will you need to surrender in order to move forward in your journey?

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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    34 分
  • Discernment. Crossing Your Jordan. The Fear of God | ryan peterson


    We are continuing the City Renewal Series that we started as a family back in September. We are not just talking about cities being renewed; we are seeing the drip of revival, the glimpses of heaven on earth, the parts of promises answered, of prayers being fulfilled, and life being restored. This week we are in chapters 2-4 as we continue to read the book of Joshua for life transformation. The first scene is when two spies enter Jericho, and one woman—out of everyone living there—has the ability to discern that the atmosphere has shifted and risks everything to invite God’s favored people into her home. This invitation ultimately saves her and her family. She operates in the same spirit Caleb and Joshua did in the past. The same spirit is needed today. In chapter 3, the much-anticipated crossing of the Jordan occurs, and we see the priests lead the way. Nothing will happen in our city until you lead the way because we are the priesthood today. In Chapter 4, all of Israel crosses. This promise is for the entire family. Monuments will stoke our remembrance of God’s presence, and we will experience the promises of God, and the fear of the LORD will rest in our hearts.

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people. The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • Joshua 1: Reading for Transformation | ryan peterson


    We are continuing our series in the City Renewal vein of seeing our places of work, homes, gyms, cafés, our city - become pockets of heaven, but we are starting a new book which parallels the adventure we are on. The book of Joshua will be our guide for the next few weeks. Coming fully into the promises of God by picking up our assignment as the Joshua-call is specific to us all. The time of fulfillment is here, and God is looking for individuals to pick up their identity and destiny, so your city can live in its fullness. Are you ready to cross your Jordan? Are you ready to encourage your city? Are you ready to strengthen yourself in the Lord and see the promises of God come into fulfillment?

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
    The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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  • A Time of Fulfillment | ryan peterson


    We are in a Watershed moment, a time that is culminating in a massive decision point where we will be able to look back and see irreversible changes. This moment happens every once in a while in our lives, not daily, but certainly occasionally. It occurred with the Israelites when Moses died, and Joshua was charged to take them into the Promised Land. We are about to enter the story of Joshua because there are cities, lands, and promises God wants to give you for the benefit of the city you are in. Before we jump into the book of Joshua, we read through Psalm 66 to see how the story of the Israelites parallels our lives. Are you ready for the place of abundance God has planned for you?

    You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/

    To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: http://www.gracechurchsp.org/give

    Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people. The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?

    Stay Connected

    Website: http://www.gracechurchsp.org
    Grace Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechurchsp
    Grace Church Instagram: @gracechurch_sp


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