

    2 Corinthians 4:17 (KJV)

    For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

    In the Kingdom of God, you express the joy of the Holy Spirit! Never allow even a moment of being downcast; it is inconsistent with the life God intended for those who follow Him. Despite this, many Christians settle for happiness based on the happenings around them.

    Christ saved you from being bound by feelings. Therefore, you must live above the circumstances and choose to optimize the joy God has given you freely through Christ Jesus. Optimizing God-given joy means fully taking advantage of what God gave you when you became a born-again follower of Christ!

    The principle of the Kingdom is what you see is what you get. When you look with your optical eyes and things are not how you want them to be, lift your sight! See with the eyes of the spirit; view your situation from the perspective of the One who has delivered you from it! Live above your situations today, and adopt a joyful nature rather than a life fuelled by your feelings!


    I am optimizing my God-given joy! I live above the circumstances around me. When I see things I don’t like taking place in my life, I switch from viewing them with my optical eyes and use the eyes of my spirit instead!


    James 1:2

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    Acts 2:38 (NIV)

    Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

    Every relationship is built on communication! Whether it’s a relationship with your spouse, a relationship with your children, or even business relations, no relationship will survive without exchanging dialogue. In the same way as a child of God, you must be joined in comradery with the Holy Spirit!

    Many suffer the tribulations of this world alone simply because they do not know there's an Ever-Present Help who is ready to assist them at any point. The Holy Spirit is a personable being, meaning you must speak to Him like a person! Tell Him all about your day, your struggles, your achievements; tell Him everything and anything! He's there to help you.

    The Holy Spirit is a precious gift given to you freely the moment you accepted Christ! When the Holy Spirit is truly on the inside of you, there is no other power you will ever need because the very source of power Himself resides on the inside of you! A healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit is quintessential to living the best Christian experience. Next time you wake up, greet the Holy Spirit!


    The Holy Spirit and I are joined in comradery. He prays with me, and I converse with Him daily. Amen.


    Romans 8:26

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    John 3:16 (NIV)

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    The verse above is among the most recited verses in all of Christendom! Despite this, many do not fully understand what was meant by this powerful passage. When the Lord Jesus ministered this message, He did not mean eternal life only in the sense of living forever!

    Whilst this is an aspect of what is given to you as a child of God, the words "eternal life," in their original rendering, translate to Zoe, meaning life as God has it! The eternality of His description has to do with His endless power, His endless mercy, His endless ability, His endless knowledge. Whatever is consistent with His divine nature is eternal! When you were born again, that same life was imparted on your spirit!

    Christ has given you the God-kind of life; this means as His child, you have been designed to live a life of eternal excellence! Failure is not in your genetic make-up; you have an endless capacity to be excellent and do great in any and every arena in this year of Milk and Honey!


    I have been given the God-kind of life! I have endless capacity to receive countless wonders in my life! I live a life of eternal excellence in Jesus’ mighty Name!


    John 10:28-30

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    Genesis 30:27 (KJV)

    And Laban said unto him, "I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake."

    Who you choose to attach yourself to can directly tie in with the blessings you receive! In the verse above, we see Laban conversing with Jacob, simply saying, "I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me because of you!" In other words, Laban attributed his success to the blessings that God had bestowed on Jacob’s life!

    In Christendom today, many do not realise the significance of who they choose to associate themselves with. The Bible tells us that the righteous choose their friends wisely; this is why it is paramount that you make sure those you spend time with align with your individual calling or vision God has placed on your life.

    When you encircle yourself with people who do not help forward your walk with Christ, the ramifications can be extremely dangerous. Your friends or acquaintances have the power to be the reason for your frequent storms, or they could be responsible for your instantaneous rise!


    There is power in who I choose to attach myself to! From this day onwards, I have decided to remove any demonic influence set to destroy my connection with God through those I have discourse with. Amen.


    Proverbs 13:20

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    Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

    Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    Many countries have agencies tasked with protecting important figures. Before an important person can enter a room, they search for potential threats. After their inspection, only authorized personnel are allowed entry. The room is arranged according to the specific needs of the dignitary to allow for ease of movement and clear lines of sight. Everything is prepared to create a secure and conducive environment for the successful execution of what is planned. Prayer operates in a similar function.

    Prayer is a messenger – a protocol, a steward, an usher in the spirit that goes ahead of you. Before entering your new month, prayer has already surveyed the terrain and neutralized potential threats. Prayer ensures only what you authorize can enter your new month, shaping and tailoring the environment for your specific needs and setting the stage for the successful execution of God's plan for you.

    As we approach the dawn of a new month, set the stage for a month flowing with milk and honey for you. As God's VIP, embrace the opportunity to step into a new month that has been thoroughly prepared by prayer.


    As I step into this new month, I approach every situation with confidence, knowing that prayer has already set the stage. It’s all milk and honey for me! Amen.


    Jeremiah 29:11

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    Psalm 35:27 (KJV)

    Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

    I’m the proud father of four sons and countless spiritual sons and daughters. Like any father, I eagerly watch as they grow and mature, anticipating the day they surpass my own achievements. I don’t want them to be as good as me; I want them to be better! Just as a father’s heart swells with pride watching his sons and daughters surpass his own accomplishments, so too does our heavenly Father delight in our growth, our ability to do more and better, and to have more than we ever imagined.

    God takes no pleasure in seeing His sons and daughters suffering. He doesn’t smile when they are sick, and neither is He happy when His chosen ones are broke, busted, and disgusted. What gives Him pleasure is your prosperity.

    Prosperity isn't just monetary – it's so much more. It encompasses your overall welfare – good health, loving relationships, peace and contentment, and receiving favour. It's all inclusive! Your prosperity pleases God greatly! Decide today to prosper in every way possible. Let the Lord be magnified, proud, honoured, and greatly pleased because of your prosperity!


    God rejoices in my prosperity and desires abundance in every area of my life. My success brings Him immense pleasure. Today, I embrace prosperity in its entirety, and I choose to thrive in every way, bringing glory to God through my prosperity! Amen.


    John 14:12

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    Exodus 3:8 (KJV)

    And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

    Viscosity is a fascinating characteristic! It measures how easily a substance can move. Honey is a perfect example of viscosity in action. Honey’s high viscosity means it doesn’t flow as easily as other liquids. But here’s the secret: its flow can be influenced by factors such as temperature. When honey is warm, it flows more easily. Another factor that affects honey’s flow is its moisture content. Less moisture leads to thicker honey, which flows more slowly. On the other hand, higher moisture levels can make honey flow more easily.

    Honey is more than just a sweet treat – it symbolises abundance. For the remainder of this year, focus on increasing the flow of God’s abundance in your life. Warm your honey with praise and thanksgiving to God. Warm honey encourages the absorption of moisture, and that moisture comes from the water of the Word! Get more of the Word into your spirit and in your mouth. As you do these things, abundance, prosperity, and blessings will flow into your life with ease!


    As I immerse myself in the Word, filling my spirit and mouth with prosperous affirmations, I decree that 2024 is my most abundant year yet! Like honey warmed with praise, I attract the flow of God's blessings, prosperity, and abundance effortlessly! Thank You, Lord Jesus!


    Amos 9:13

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    Isaiah 49:15 (MSG)

    … I’d never forget you—never. Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands.

    Has there ever been a time when you felt unseen, unrecognized, and forgotten? Even in this year of Milk and Honey, hearing about all the wonderful things happening in the lives of others, you watch as others laugh and rejoice and find yourself wondering when it will be your turn to celebrate.

    We serve a God who understands what it’s like to be forgotten. He said, “My people have forgotten Me” (Jeremiah 18:15). He wants us to know that He will never forget us, to the extent that He has tattooed our names on His hands. Whenever He opens His hand of favour and blessing, your name is there. When He opens His hand to guide, comfort, and protect, your name is there.

    Be comforted by this truth – you’re forever remembered by the One who matters most, and the year is not over. It’s still your year of Milk and Honey, and God’s promises remain steadfast, unchanging, and sure. His plan is still at work in your life. You are not forgotten; you are engraved on the palms of His hands!


    God knows my name, and His promises to me remain steadfast and unchanging. By faith I declare that I will rejoice. It is my year of Milk and Honey, and my time to celebrate has come! Amen.


    Hebrews 10:23

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