Good Mourning and welcome back in!
Today we reflect on my experiences with grief and the mourning of my older brother Damien in 2020. Looking back, my path of bereavement has been unique to me but boy howdy, if I haven't learned a lot. Now that we are on the other side (wherever that is), I can attempt to share my story and some of the things that helped along the way and some of the things that didn't.
Part 2: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2RPVJXdbqJjXp6cIroEtQK
Music by: Orion Reber // LeafLight https://leaflight.bandcamp.com/
Interested in getting involved? Email me at odascast@gmail.com
Instagram: @ondeathandsmiling
If you are struggling and my nonsense doesn't help please seek professional help.
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255