Episode 45 - In today's episode, Joe and his guest Jonathan talk about how they handled and coped with grief. They also talk about siblings being the forgotten mourners & how grief affected their behavior.
Drink of the Day - Zion Pale Ale from Zion Brewery. Orange lemon and grapefruit hop aroma and flavor meld perfectly with a rich malty American Style Pale Ale. Check em out at www.zionbrewery.com
Mack Brewing Company - Mack Brewing Co. is an up and coming brewery located in West Philadelphia and spearheaded by owner and brewer – Philly Mack. "I want people to have fun, listen to some dope music, light up whatever you smoke, Chill and kick it with your friends. Enjoy the complexity of the IPA while trying to simplify the complexities of life". Check em out at https://www.mackbrewingco.com/ or on Instagram @mackbrewingco
Jonathan's Book Recommendation - Leadership and Self Deception by The Arbinger Institute
Jonathan's Music Recommendation - Muse or Shinedown.