God's Mission: The Greater Exodus Do you ever find yourself searching for something bigger? A community founded on truth and love? A place to worship the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Son of God? Welcome to Founded in Truth Fellowship, where we are more than just a fellowship family. Note: This article contains affiliate links. Today, we continue our series on "God's Mission," exploring the overarching story of the Bible and how it reveals God's redemptive plan for humanity. The Bible is not just a collection of isolated books; it is one continuous narrative that points to God's mission to reconcile His creation back to Himself. Let's dive into this incredible story, focusing on the Old Testament and its connection to the New Testament through the person of Yeshua (Jesus). The Bible: One Continuous Story When we open the Bible, we often see it as a library of books rather than one unified story. However, every book contributes to the larger narrative of God's mission. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells the story of God's plan to redeem humanity and restore creation to its original goodness. This story begins in the Garden of Eden, where humanity's choice to rebel against God introduced sin and corruption into the world. The Garden and the Fall The story of the Garden of Eden is foundational to understanding the rest of Scripture. It is not just a historical account but a narrative that sets the stage for God's mission. In the Garden, Adam and Eve chose autonomy from God, leading to a cascade of sin and brokenness. Within one generation, humanity descended into violence, with Cain murdering his brother Abel. This pattern of rebellion and corruption continued, culminating in the flood during Noah's time and the Tower of Babel. Egypt: A Picture of Oppression Fast forward to the book of Exodus, where we find the Israelites enslaved in Egypt. Pharaoh, driven by fear and greed, oppressed the Israelites, forcing them into hard labor. The cries of the oppressed reached God, and He responded by raising up Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. This event, known as the Exodus, is a pivotal moment in the Bible, showcasing God's character as a Redeemer who hears the cries of the afflicted. The Covenant at Sinai After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they arrived at Mount Sinai, where God gave them the Torah (Law). This was not just a set of rules but a covenant that established Israel as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Their mission was to reflect God's character to the world, demonstrating justice, righteousness, compassion, and love. However, as we see throughout the Old Testament, Israel struggled to live up to this calling. From David to Solomon: A Kingdom Divided Under King David, Israel experienced a high point in its history. David was a man after God's own heart, and God promised that his lineage would produce a king whose kingdom would last forever. However, David's son Solomon, despite his wisdom, failed to uphold God's covenant. He amassed wealth, horses, and wives, directly violating God's commands for kings in Deuteronomy 17. Solomon even used forced labor to build the temple, turning Israel into a new Egypt. Exile: The Consequence of Disobedience Israel's failure to remain faithful to God's covenant led to exile. The Assyrians conquered the northern kingdom, and the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, taking the southern kingdom into captivity. This was the ultimate curse of the covenant, as outlined in Deuteronomy 28: exile from the Promised Land. Yet, even in exile, the prophets spoke of hope—a future redemption and a new covenant that would transform the hearts of God's people. The Promise of a Greater Exodus The prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, foretold a second Exodus, one that would surpass the first. This new Exodus would not just bring Israel back to their land but would address the root problem: the sin and corruption in the human heart. Isaiah 40 speaks of a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way for the Lord. This prophecy points to a future Redeemer who would lead this greater Exodus. Yeshua: The Fulfillment of God's Promises All four Gospels identify Yeshua as the fulfillment of these prophetic promises. He is the Son of David, the Prince of Peace, and the Light to the Nations. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Yeshua inaugurated the greatest Exodus, freeing humanity from the bondage of sin and death. He established a new covenant, writing God's law on our hearts and making us new creations in Him. Living as Redeemed People As followers of Yeshua, we are called to live as redeemed people, reflecting God's character to the world. This means loving our neighbors, caring for the oppressed, and walking in justice and righteousness. The story of the Bible is not just history; it is our story. We are invited to participate in God's mission, bringing His kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Conclusion The story ...