• 169 // Doubting that God Can be Good Due to the Sin, Abuse, or Darkness Around You? Find Solace in These 2 Biblical Truths

    Are you having a hard time believing that God is good? Does it seem highly unlikely given the sin, abuse, or wickedness around you? Are you tempted to believe that the darkness proves God’s lack of goodness? It’s natural for humans to judge God based on what’s happening in the world. But the key to understanding God’s true character–and our world–requires flipping one’s viewpoint. How? Discover two biblical truths that will radically change your view of God’s goodness within minutes.


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  • 168 // Believe that You’re Too Brokenhearted to Feel the Love of God? 3 Tips to Help You Lean Into Hope and Healing

    Do you feel as if you’re too broken to fully experience God’s love? Does your heart feel too battered and bruised from certain traumas, abuses, or other life experiences? Does part of you still yearn to feel God’s love even though things seem utterly hopeless? Friend, God sees you and wants to free you from the dark place you’re in! You’re not a lost cause–you’re His beloved daughter! Discover three practical, biblically-based tips that will help you exchange despair for hope and healing!


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  • 167 // Wondering if Jesus Loves You Just as Much as God the Father Does? Consider These 2 Key Biblical Revelations

    Are you unclear about who Jesus is and if (or how) He loves you? Do you need answers to questions like: Is Jesus really the Son of God and part of the Trinity? If so, exactly what does that mean? Does this mean Jesus loves me? Does He love me as much as God the Father? These are all valid questions! Gain instant clarity by discovering two key biblical reasons why Jesus loves you just as much as God the Father. Plus, be equipped with a helpful resource to deepen your understanding even further!


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  • 166 // Spending Valentine's Day Alone? 10 Bible Verses that Will Make You Feel Wrapped in God’s Tender Love for You

    Is Valentine’s Day a tough holiday for you? Maybe you don’t have a special someone. Maybe you feel alone in life. Or, maybe it reminds you of your longing to feel loved by God. Whatever your situation, there’s a truth that’s much bigger than this commercial holiday: the Creator of the universe loves you more than the world’s inventory of flowers, cards, and candy can express! Wrap yourself in God’s deep, tender love through 10 Bible verses that express the various aspects of His affection!


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  • 165 // Can’t Forgive Yourself Even Though God’s Love is Unconditional? Break Free with This Healing and Hope-filled Truth

    Are you unable to forgive yourself despite knowing that you’re unconditionally loved by God? Maybe you’ve sought His forgiveness, but still can’t seem to forgive yourself. Are you caught in the vicious cycle of blaming yourself? Or maybe your sin or mistake just seems too big. Friend, if God forgives then you need to as well. Discover the truth that will break you free from this dark place and launch you into freedom, hope, and healing! Plus, be equipped with a few practical resources and tools to ensure continued progress in this area.


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  • 164 // Not Seeing Evidence of God's Love in Your Life? 2 Powerful Ways in Which He Loves His Daughters (with Biblical and Personal Examples)

    Are you struggling to see evidence of God’s love in your life? Maybe you’ve been taught that He simply isn’t loving. Maybe you have a hard time believing that you are worthy of God’s love. Or, perhaps you just don’t know how to recognize His love. Whatever your situation, friend, things don’t have to stay the same! Start by discovering two ways that God is consistently loving you as His daughter - complete with both biblical and personal examples from my own life.


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  • 163 // Feel Pressured to Finally Be "Good Enough" for God This Year? The #1 Reason Why You’re Free to Stop Focusing on Perfectionism

    Are you super focused on being “good enough” for God? Are you determined that this year is when you’ll finally reach that state of perfection or sinlessness that will earn you God’s love, acceptance, and favor? Have you been led to believe that this is biblical and your only hope of pleasing God? Friend, I want this year to be a breakthrough year for you - I do. But in an entirely different way; one that leads to freedom! Discover the #1 reason why you can confidently let go of the weighty goal of perfectionism and bask in God’s love instead!


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  • 162 // Don't Have Confidence in God's Love For You? 4 Sneaky Blockers and How to Overcome Them with Biblical Truth

    Has it been difficult to accept God’s love? Or even the idea that He loves you? Does part of you yearn to feel confidently loved and accepted by Him, yet something is holding you back that you can’t quite put your finger on? Even as you’ve gathered some biblical truth? Friend, you are not crazy or alone! Discover four sneaky blockers that are likely interfering with your relationship with God. Plus, be equipped with two tactical actions that will ensure these blockers are obliterated!


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    Get a weekly reminder of God's tender love. Plus, be the first to know about exclusive offers! https://bit.ly/GodLovesMeEmail

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