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The highly anticipated Star Wars series 'Ahsoka' has begun filming. How Ahsoka's journey took her from unloved sidekick to wise beloved (not)Jedi.
CW brings the hammer down on DCTV as the WB Discovery merger settles down. How comic book fan's love affair with the Arrowverse came to an end. What does the future hold for DCTV?
Love and Marriage... Love and Marriage.. Married with Children is headed towards a revival!!!! This time, the cast will star in an animated version of the series. What other shows could use an animated revival??
Peter heads to Disney World!!! More specifically, the Guardians of the Galaxy ride in AvengersLand!! What else can he look forward to when he arrives to the happiest land on Earth?
Master Chief loses his virginity and Halo fans around the world are NOT happy. There's a joke about angry virgins to be made but it's low hanging fruit.