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Sarah welcomes Austin Stout as a returning guest to The Beyond Condition Podcast. Austin, who is also my mentor will be joining me to explore efficient ways to gain muscle. Austin has years of experience as a mentor, coach and competitive bodybuilder.
We are often led to believe many different things when it comes to gaining quality muscle tissue and at times it can confuse the hell out of us. Get ready for us to debunk many myths and give you actionable steps to set up for successful growth phases.
Discussions include:
*Social media
*The principles of gaining muscle
*Nutrition diversity and volume
*GI function
*PED use and considerations
*Stress and recovery management
*Training progression and setup
*Food relationship
*Life outside of bodybuilding
Find Austin on Instagram @austinst8
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/p0pyHv-8fvo
Get in touch and share this episode @sarahparker_bb