Being resurrected from the grave is the only hope of eternal life for deceased human beings. The Scriptures reveal that there will be three distinct future resurrection periods for those who have died. At the return of Jesus Christ, a first resurrection to eternal life will take place for all of God’s faithful servants who have died throughout the ages. These individuals will rise from their graves and, along with living humans who have the Holy Spirit residing within them, will be changed into immortal, spirit beings. After the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on the earth, there will be a second resurrection to physical life for the majority of all people who have ever lived. These people will then have their first and only opportunity to hear, understand and respond to God’s calling. If they become converted, they will receive eternal life. There will be a third resurrection for the incorrigible to a brief period of consciousness, in which they will receive the righteous judgment of God— their destruction in the lake of fire. This resurrection is reserved for those who have rejected God’s offer of salvation, reaping eternal death, also called the second death, from which there is no further resurrection.
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