An airhacks.fm conversation with Phillip Krueger (@phillipkruger) about: early programming experiences with Visual Basic and Java, transition from actuarial science to computer science, first job at a bank working with Java Swing and RMI over CORBA, experience with J2EE and XML technologies, working with XML and XSLT, development of open-source Swing components, work on dotMobi sites for mobile phones in Africa, creation of API extensions for Java EE and MicroProfile, involvement in the MicroProfile GraphQL specification, joining Red Hat and working on quarkus, development of SmallRye GraphQL, improvements to OpenAPI support in Quarkus, work on Quarkus Dev UI, discussion about the evolution of Java application servers and frameworks, comparison of REST and GraphQL, thoughts on Java development culture in South Africa
Phillip Krueger on twitter: @phillipkruger