The trio is back with another trip to the Dream Bucket. Is KC going to pee her pants in a session, or find the love of her life while a vet fixes her shelves? It turns out Nick knows how to use a gun. It is likely what he needs to protect the TV that he has to make sure they can't take away his access to his movie collection. Jon can't remember if he forgot to forgive or needed to forgive himself for forgetting, but we can all agree that the Hobosexual was not worth peeing your pants for.
Will KC finish her dissertation? Should she write it about dating apps and what they say about the health of relationships in the present day? If she finishes, her professor says she will be in the 7% who do. It's not the 1%, but it's damn close.
Send your errant thoughts, shower thoughts, random wonderings about life in the Dream Bucket at intothedreambucket@gmail.com so we can riff off your ideas. Thanks for listening!