Welcome to The Luxe Pharmacist Podcast - Residency Series!
I am so excited to be adding to the residency series today! The Luxe Pharmacist Podcast is adding another interview centered episode BUT this time we are discussing what questions YOU should be asking during an interview! Flipping the script (you asking questions to your interviewers) is so important to get the full picture on a residency program, new job or other opportunity you are interviewing for. After all an interview is a two way street so lets treat it as such!
The Luxe Pharmacist Podcast is thrilled to welcome our guest Shelby! Shelby graduated with her PharmD in May 2021 and is a current PGY-1 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident. She is in the process of interviewing for PGY-2 Ambulatory Care programs. Shelby enjoys sharing her pharmacy journey with others on social media and provides advice for pharmacy school, clinical rotations, and the residency application process. You can find her on Instagram @shelbypharmd
00:00 Intro
00:40 Flipping the script
01:42 Meet our guest Shelby
03:58 What was the most challenging aspect of your PGY1 interviews?
06:34 Did you encounter a new challenge now that you're interviewing for PGY2s?
09:10 How do you decide what questions you want to ask during your interview?
11:25 Looking up interviewers ahead of time
13:00 Do you have a minimum number of questions you want prepared?
14:03 Different "groups" you can expect to interview with
15:22 Questions for current residents
20:44 Questions for preceptors or other clinical staff
27:10 Questions for RPD or leadership team
29:50 Final thoughts & advice
33:54 Outro
Follow me on Instagram @theluxepharmacist & @theluxepharmacistpodcast
Visit my blog www.theluxepharmacist.com for even more content, like "6 Reasons to Become Board Certified as a Pharmacist" blog post mentioned in today's episode!