Join me and my guest Marianne Demello-Smith, host of Message in the Middle with Marianne. We discuss all the cursey words(ok I do), how Covid affected us and how we learned to pivot through it all. Raw and honest, Marianne talks about how her podcast got started and how she connects with her listeners through her book club and podcast.
I am part of an amazing network of podcasters, please go check them out! https://www.yhhtmpc.com/
Check out Marianne's podcast "Message in the Middle with Marianne" https://open.spotify.com/show/0fO7bK0GbVMd9cdaGpCyLY?si=4ae0de36eb594f2c
Join her facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/422430469323847
I would LOVE to hear from you! No really, I'm not kidding. I do answer my DM's on Insta!!!
Let me know if this episode resonated with you, or tell me it's shitty. Honestly I love ANY feedback!
Want to have your own podcast? Come check out this amazing podcasting group and learn how to podcast https://www.facebook.com/groups/masteringthepodcastermindset
xoxo Clever B