Our inner critic tends to come from our childhood experiences. However, we are dealing with decisions in a adult perception. With that being an imbalance between who we are and how we respond. In this episode we talk about facing our inner self continuing to use positive talk, engaging in positive activities. Sara Jakes YouTube can be found at https://youtu.be/mTRNpuF7yIQ as well as my linktre with my book information https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fwinterswellness%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1UEHI--kqOG-65A2AlXaRT3Htn6lPYoya7viUVVY5Nl0O9LRfB0VYZ5g8&h=AT1aRBE1VwUn0mFABdDEgZGh-Mo_JsUcObupuID5h9othhfiy6px_qDdJutOZq9t9bOFNdWDsL3HDbONSMoIao7ZQ8M7haMJzr-2wz9L1HxKPnXUdmv2qXLUuKwBJfJ20s0wrRLbIpCQUYVtD0g