This time the team, based in the South West of England, are joined by Mickie Blackett, Supply Chain Business Growth Manager & James Taylor, Farm Manager from the Buitelaar Group.
As usual we start with a brief over view of both of our guests' backgrounds to get to where they are today.
Then we move on to today topic of Evidence Based Calf Rearing.
Not only do we take a tour of the farm, but we discuss the continuing development of the farm and it's facilities and how the business is constantly tweaking as they continue to strive for improvement of the system.
Mickie talks about the development of the modular High Health Units, how these have changed over the years and the improvements they see.
James takes us for a tour of the farm where we can see the evidence of these changes as well as discussing the different trials they run on farm, not just for themselves but also with outside partners.
This was recorded in August 2024 and all information was correct at the time of recording.
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