If the house church is the purest form of the church, why would we ever engage in another expression of church? Follow the journey of three individuals as they begin in wonderful seasons of enriching house church experiences, only to follow three different paths leading to a same surprising place.
Learn more about the people and organizations featured in this docuseries at www.thefourthchurch.com
Intro music by Sean C. Johnson - find his music on any streaming service or contact him at www.seancjohnson.com
Credits music by The Foolish Things in their 2021 album Outside Looking In - find their music on any streaming service or contact them through their production studio at www.shadyneighborrecords.com
Lance Humphreys - Cultivate - https://www.cultivate.city/
Cross and Crown Ministry - https://crossandcrownmission.com/
Luke Whitmire - Christian Service Center - https://www.christianservicecenter.net/
Corey White - https://coreypatrickwhite.com/
The Well Church OKC - https://faithlife.com/thewellchurchokc/activity/?fbclid=IwAR20pYKhD9Jj34QmX3dkZR_gxAexQdP1BZks1nNyscGUx18cD8fEfQwOUkw
Chris Brewster - Santa Fe South Charter Schools - https://santafesouth.wpcomstaging.com/