Five-time guest Sam Jones returns to the show to talk about infamous j-horror nightmare, Takashi Miike’s Audition.
Audio notes: Dave was sick, Sam’s cleaner was present, and Wyatt’s heater was (still is) broken, so he was huddled in a closet for the duration. Apologies for any auditory oddness.
Audition by Takashi Miike
Arrested Development “and that’s why you always leave a note” bit
The Care and Keeping of the Male Slave (Kids in the Hall sketch)
Agitator: The Cinema of Takashi Miike by Tom Mes
Modern Rubbish Episode Five: Gozu
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans by Werner Herzog
Conny Plank
Steve Albini
Modern Rubbish on Discord!
Music by David Paha
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