The Christian life is a journey. Follow stories of people from varied cultures finding a home in Oklahoma City because of a shared philosophy of the possible. Then dive deep into one new creation in Oklahoma City as we discover the fourth church.
Learn more about the people and organizations featured in this docuseries at www.thefourthchurch.com
Intro music by Sean C. Johnson - find his music on any streaming service or contact him at www.seancjohnson.com
Credits music by The Foolish Things in their 2021 album Outside Looking In - find their music on any streaming service or contact them through their production studio at www.shadyneighborrecords.com
Marcus Jackson - https://www.urbanbridge.org/
John Dwyer - https://www.johnjdwyer.com/
Mike Hoang - https://www.kmcommunities.com/mike-hoang
Nathan Carr - https://theacademyok.org/
also - https://www.commonplacebooksokc.com/
Phil Brookman - Memorial Road Church of Christ - www.mrcc.org