In this episode titled 'Horror's Echo: The Nightmares of Tomorrow,' we embark on a chilling journey into the world of future horror films, reflecting our present anxieties from technological dystopias to pandemic fears. Chris and Heather provide non-spoiler reviews of 'Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls.' We also highlight exciting December events, including the Dallas Holiday Parade and 'Gremlins' screenings, and share the latest horror news, including reboots and Eli Roth's 'Thanksgiving.'
In our 'Dark Discourse' segment, we delve into the spine-tingling narratives that will haunt the future, discussing themes such as technological control, pandemic paranoia, climate catastrophes, sociopolitical unrest, and personal anxieties. Join us as we explore the nightmarish future of horror films in 2063 and discuss the threats to classic horror and innovations to protect it in the digital age.