Hello and welcome back to the time machine. Today we will travel back 72 years to May 1950 for another episode from the first 100 of arguably the most successful old time radio shows of all time, Dragnet. We will join Jack Webb’s phenomenal portrayal of Sgt Joe Friday and his partner Ben Romero for yet another case. Mr. Webb’s portrayal was so convincing at the time he received numerous requests from fans of the show to solve real life cases. This led to Webb having to release a public statement clarifying that he was not a real police officer and was just an actor.
Today we will join them for a different type of case. This week, assigned to the homicide division, it is time for a manhunt. This time against a murderous criminal impersonating a police officer. So sit back as we travel back to May 4th, 1950 and Dragnet with The Big Badge.