Episode 57: The Great Orphan Siege
And it all comes to this...
Voice Talents (in no particular order)
Colette Feehan as Zip
Charlee Leonard as Hazel Peachwood
Brion Kerry as Elwood, Fox and Snooty Switchbait, and various goblins
Matt Regan as Lump, Squish, Copper, Gruff, and various goblins
Sam Leonard as Oz
Ashton Haugen as The Babbling Brook and Gretchen Hexenkopf
Norman Leonard as The Narrator
Travis Diffenderfer as Boggart, Slagritt, and Eek
Bill Elverman as Wooden Wolf Montfort
Alec McNayr as Snook the Fool
J Dobbs as Madame Drax
Non Wels as the Pirate Rigger
Mindy Escobar-Leanse as The Spinning Woman and Meridian Picklesworth
Pip Heywood
Cobbler’s Gulch Logo
Megan Swieton
Sound FX Attributions
Special Thanks
Non Wels
Subjective Special Thanks
Gwendolyn Oxenham
All the Gratitude
Becky Leonard