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Today I had the privilege of interviewing performing celebrity Merrill Osmond. The location was the Washington DC Temple Visitors Center, where he and his wife, Mary, are serving a full-time mission.
What a joy to hear about his lifetime of service as a member missionary! Did you know some people are called by the First Presidency to be "lifetime missionaries"? It happened to Merrill and his family of siblings when he was only 15. Listen to him tell about that experience in this episode!
Did you know that he considers his mother to be the best member missionary in the family? Hear how she presented the Queen of England with a copy of the Book of Mormon on the first time she met Her Magesty!
Did you know that trials and tough tests in life happen even to celebrities? Listen to how Merrill handled the death of his 33 year-old son with grace and faith.
Did you know that Merrill lists 18 scriptures from the Bible on his website to document the Restoration of the Church in our day?
Finally, do you know anyone who has been granted Knights Templar of Portugal status, something that has to be approved by the Pope? Merrill has.
Enjoy this wonderful interview with my friend Merrill Osmond and learn how you can also use the principles he uses to be a successful life-long member missionary!
Thank you, Merrill!
And thanks for allowing me to do a duet with an Osmond! We end this podcast by singing the closing number Donny and Marie performed at the end of each show on ABC. The lyrics and the song, of course, were written by Merrill and Alan!