What started as researching a singular disappearance led me down a rabbit hole of cases all revolving around New Hampshire somehow. We will begin with the case of Laureen Rahn, a 14-year-old who vanished from her Manchester, New Hampshire apartment in 1980. Next, we will discuss Denise Ann Daneault, 25, who disappeared just a few months later in the same area. Both of these cases remain unsolved, but there is some reason to believe they may be connected to the disappearance of Denise Beaudin. Beaudin would also vanish from the area but not until about a year and a half after Laureen's disappearance. Her case is set apart because she was last seen with her boyfriend, Bob Evans. This Bob Evans character will lead us to discuss the case of two more women, Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch and Eunsoon Jun, both of whom he had a relationship. Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zEqgm9ERoGHOQcpSHzhKqc3vM8r3ynm4dFYHEFODDI8/edit?usp=sharing